Proč pracovat u nás?

V Innomotics víme, že svět nelze změnit jen tak od stolu. Inovace máme i v názvu. Historie společnosti Siemens spolu s umem a zkušenostmi jejích pracovníků poskytují k dalšímu vývoji pevný základ.

Dnes měníme definici spolehlivého výkonu – od standardních produktů k elektromotorům a generátorům nejvyšší účinnosti; od jednoduchého „zapnuto/vypnuto“ po vše chytré mezi tím.

Volné pozice

Vyberte lokalitu, která vás zajímá.

Technické pozice

Jste komunikativní, dokážete si dobře zorganizovat práci a domluvíte se anglicky? Na oddělení R&D hledáme novou posilu, která se stane podporou kolegů v jejich každodenní práci a převezme zodpovědnost za další úkoly. Přidejte s k nám!

Budete se věnovat především:

  • administrativní podpoře týmu R&D, včetně správy dokumentace a zajišťování potřebných materiálů
  • přípravě podkladů na jednání a porady (dokumenty, prezentace, reporty apod.) v českém i anglickém jazyce
  • vytváření objednávek, sledování jejich průběhu a zajišťování následné fakturace
  • vyřizování interní a externí osobní, písemné a telefonické komunikace s důrazem na efektivní a profesionální přístup
  • kontrole a uzavírání docházky oddělení, včetně správy docházkového systému
  • organizaci schůzek, sjednávání termínů a rezervaci zasedacích místností, včetně přípravy a zajištění potřebného vybavení
  • zajišťování služebních cest pro členy týmu

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • skvělý tým, který se vzájemně podporuje a sdílí společné hodnoty
  • moderní a příjemné pracovní prostředí, které podporuje kreativitu a inovace
  • flexibilní pracovní dobu a možnost pracovat z domova (home office)
  • příležitost k profesnímu růstu a dalšímu vzdělávání

Další benefity:

  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • roční příspěvek na volnočasové aktivity, kulturu, sport a penzijní či životní připojištění v rámci nabídky Benefit Plus
  • závodní jídelnu v areálu firmy, příspěvek na stravování
  • zvýhodněné nabídky pro zaměstnance
  • MultiSport karta
  • společenské a kulturní akce a další

Měl/a byste mít:

  • minimálně SŠ vzdělání, ideálně se zaměřením na ekonomii, administrativu nebo podobný obor
  • angličtinu na komunikativní úrovni, schopnost samostatné práce s dokumenty v angličtině
  • velmi dobrou znalost programů MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) a schopnost efektivně využívat jejich funkcionality
  • výborné organizační a prezentační schopnosti, schopnost prioritizovat úkoly a dodržovat termíny
  • příjemné a profesionální vystupování, které reprezentuje oddělení i celou firmu
  • chuť učit se novým věcem, flexibilitu, samostatnost, spolehlivost a schopnost pracovat pod tlakem

At Innomotics, we know that you can't change the world by sitting in a chair. Innovation is in our name. We carry the Siemens heritage of over 150 years of engineering experience. Today, we are changing the definition of reliable performance - from standard products to the highest efficiency electric motors; from simple on/off, to everything smart in between. Our most powerful motor? The 15,000 experts, colleagues who make the world go round with us. Will you join us?

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will be in charge of negotiations & management of the indirect Procurement demands within the Europe & Africa hub
  • You will closely cooperate with internal customers to reach the best results for the demanded purchasing volume while adhering to legal and internal requirements
  • You will analyze and structure the Purchase Volumes in the Categories of pooled Indirect Procurement and continuously seek opportunities for cost reductions, process efficiency improvements or end user enhancements
  • You strive for best in class transparency regarding KPIs and persistently work towards achievement of the given targets
  • You will contribute to the implementation of global strategies for the different categories by implementing them regionally in a tailored way
  • You will work within an international team, where English is the main language, and report to the Global Head of Indirect Procurement

What you can look forward to:

  • Dynamic environment and collaboration with experts
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Opportunities for professional development
  • Dynamic and collaborative work environment

Extra benefits:

  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself
  • Competitive salary
  • Annual bonus
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card, various discounts and offers

Your profile:

  • You completed a university degree in a relevant field (e.g. Economics, (industrial) Engineering)
  • You gained multiple years of relevant working experience in (indirect) Procurement or a similar function
  • You can demonstrate a successful track record in defining and implementing productivity measures (e.g. tenders, negotiations)
  • You are a team player and like to cooperate with an international team
  • You are good at listening, analyzing, presenting and persuading
  • You gained intercultural experiences and have a service attitude
  • You enjoy negotiations and to achieve challenging targets
  • You are fluent in English

At Innomotics, we know that you can't change the world by sitting in a chair. Innovation is in our name. We carry the Siemens heritage of over 150 years of engineering experience. Today, we are changing the definition of reliable performance - from standard products to the highest efficiency electric motors; from simple on/off, to everything smart in between. Our most powerful motor? The 15,000 experts, colleagues who make the world go round with us. Will you join us?

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will be in charge of negotiations & management of the indirect Procurement demands within the Europe & Africa hub
  • You will closely cooperate with internal customers to reach the best results for the demanded purchasing volume while adhering to legal and internal requirements
  • You will analyze and structure the Purchase Volumes in the Categories of pooled Indirect Procurement and continuously seek opportunities for cost reductions, process efficiency improvements or end user enhancements
  • You strive for best in class transparency regarding KPIs and persistently work towards achievement of the given targets
  • You will contribute to the implementation of global strategies for the different categories by implementing them regionally in a tailored way
  • You will work within an international team, where English is the main language, and report to the Global Head of Indirect Procurement

What you can look forward to:

  • Dynamic environment and collaboration with experts
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Opportunities for professional development
  • Dynamic and collaborative work environment

Extra benefits:

  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself
  • Competitive salary
  • Annual bonus
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card, various discounts and offers

Your profile:

  • You completed a university degree in a relevant field (e.g. Economics, (industrial) Engineering)
  • You gained multiple years of relevant working experience in (indirect) Procurement or a similar function
  • You can demonstrate a successful track record in defining and implementing productivity measures (e.g. tenders, negotiations)
  • You are a team player and like to cooperate with an international team
  • You are good at listening, analyzing, presenting and persuading
  • You gained intercultural experiences and have a service attitude
  • You enjoy negotiations and to achieve challenging targets
  • You are fluent in English

At Innomotics, we know that you can't change the world by sitting in a chair. Innovation is in our name. We carry the Siemens heritage of over 150 years of engineering experience. Today, we are changing the definition of reliable performance - from standard products to the highest efficiency electric motors; from simple on/off, to everything smart in between. Our most powerful motor? The 15,000 experts, colleagues who make the world go round with us. Will you join us?

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will be in charge of negotiations & management of the indirect Procurement demands within the Europe & Africa hub
  • You will closely cooperate with internal customers to reach the best results for the demanded purchasing volume while adhering to legal and internal requirements
  • You will analyze and structure the Purchase Volumes in the Categories of pooled Indirect Procurement and continuously seek opportunities for cost reductions, process efficiency improvements or end user enhancements
  • You strive for best in class transparency regarding KPIs and persistently work towards achievement of the given targets
  • You will contribute to the implementation of global strategies for the different categories by implementing them regionally in a tailored way
  • You will work within an international team, where English is the main language, and report to the Global Head of Indirect Procurement

What you can look forward to:

  • Dynamic environment and collaboration with experts
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Opportunities for professional development
  • Dynamic and collaborative work environment

Extra benefits:

  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself
  • Competitive salary
  • Annual bonus
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card, various discounts and offers

Your profile:

  • You completed a university degree in a relevant field (e.g. Economics, (industrial) Engineering)
  • You gained multiple years of relevant working experience in (indirect) Procurement or a similar function
  • You can demonstrate a successful track record in defining and implementing productivity measures (e.g. tenders, negotiations)
  • You are a team player and like to cooperate with an international team
  • You are good at listening, analyzing, presenting and persuading
  • You gained intercultural experiences and have a service attitude
  • You enjoy negotiations and to achieve challenging targets
  • You are fluent in English

Jsme oddělení Controllingu společnosti Innomotics. Naším hlavním úkolem je zajišťovat finanční plánování, nákladové kalkulace produktů, metodiku a reporting nákladové produktivity, výpočet efektivity a návratnosti nových investic, finanční reporting, metodiku a kontrolu vedení účetnictví, financování, pojištění, vyhodnocení a krytí měnových rizik, podklady k daním atd. Do našeho zkušeného týmu hledáme na zkrácený úvazek nového kolegu nebo kolegyni na pozici Controllera pro norimberský závod. Pozice je vhodná i pro absolventy.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Kalkulaci výrobních zakázek v SAP.
  • Práci v SAP a Excelu.
  • Controllingu kalkulace nových zakázek.
  • Nabídkovému controllingu.
  • Řízení a vystavování dobropisů.
  • Operativní analytická činnost v oblasti financí spojená se zakázkami.

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • Práci na zkrácený úvazek 60-80%.
  • Místo výkonu práce: Drásov u Brna.
  • Flexibilní pracovní dobu a možnost práce z domova až 2 dny v týdnu.
  • Práci ve stabilní společnosti.
  • Možnost uplatnění v perspektivním oboru.

Další benefity:

  • 5 týdnů dovolené.
  • Pracovní dobu 7,5 hodiny denně.
  • Flexibilní pracovní dobu (pevné jádro 9-15).
  • 15000,- ročně na zdraví a volnočasové aktivity (Benefit plus).
  • Program slev pro zaměstnance.
  • Firemní jazykové vzdělávání.
  • Závodní stravování (stravenka v případě práce z domova).

Měl/a byste mít:

  • VŠ vzdělání ekonomického směru.
  • Praxe na obdobné pozici výhodou.
  • Pokročilou znalost AJ, případně NJ.
  • Znalost MS Office, znalost SAP výhodou.
  • Analytické myšlení.
  • Samostatnost, schopnost týmové práce a flexibilitu.
  • Řidičský průkaz skupiny B.
  • Výborné komunikační schopnosti.
  • Schopnost dotahovat věci do konce.

Do you have practical experience in Treasury in an international company? Are you proactive, results-oriented and able to work under pressure in a changing environment? Then we're looking for you!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Embedded into a team of treasury experts in Europe & Africa (EA) region you will manage bank accounts, payment infrastructure and liquidity planning for several countries in EA region.
  • You will ensure proper implementation of all corporate guidelines, processes and rules for assigned countries in EA region in line with the global strategy for treasury, finance, insurances and benefits.
  • You will be responsible for cash management for assigned Innomotics entities (Inquires related to payment transactions, bank account administration, bank connectivity, short-term liquidity forecasting, managing bank relationships etc.).
  • Coordinating guarantee management.
  • Coordinating shareholder controlling activities.
  • Managing FX and interest rate risks.
  • Coordinating actuary and insurance broker services for assigned entities.

What you can look forward to:

  • Flexibility: trustful environment with an inclusive and flexible way of working driven by results; hybrid and remote working enabled by innovative tools and devices, personal computer and smartphone.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change.
  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Never stop growing: plenty opportunities for continuous and individual learning journeys.
  • An inclusive team culture where you can be yourself.

Your profile:

  • You have a university degree in Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Banking (or comparable knowledge).
  • In addition, several years of working experience in Treasury ideally in a medium size, international company.
  • Methodological, high analytical competence, focus on results, a confident manner and assertiveness.
  • Business fluent English skills round your profile.

In the context of cost and value engineering, we are looking for a key expert for the systematic modeling and management of infrastructure and data. As a key expert, you will be responsible for creating, maintaining and continuously improving cost models of manufacturing technologies and end products.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Your tasks will include the creation of cost and emission models in coordination with your own team and relevant interface functions, e.g. R&D and product management
  • You create and manage the required system. They prepare their know-how and results and transfer them to the CVE organization and create management reports on the progress
  • You will act as the first point of contact for our expert software for both colleagues and the software provider (e.g. for new functions)
  • You will identify optimization and improvement potential in existing calculation processes and implement the improvements with the aim of increasing the efficiency and quality of analyses and calculations. You will implement simpler automation solutions yourself or act as a project manager for more complex automation solutions
  • In addition, you will identify further automation needs and digitalization, look for solutions and drive implementation
  • Your future tasks will also include the conception and implementation of a CVE application/dashboard for smart and fast calculations and reports
  • Constantly you inform yourself about new software solutions and innovations from suppliers and their potential for Innomotics.

Extra benefits:

  • competitive salary
  • annual bonus
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
  • home office 2 to 3 days per week
  • e-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers
  • possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice, Brno, Praha, Ostrava

Your profile:

  • The basis of your success is a master's degree in business informatics, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or a related discipline is an advantage
  • Building on this, you have several years of professional experience (5 years+) in cost and value engineering, in production planning with IT topics or IT projects related to production and technologies
  • You can use common MS Office applications and a product cost management tool
  • Knowledge of implementing simple digitalization solutions (e.g. using Azure or AWS) is required
  • Knowledge of Python, SQL and big data analytics as well as expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning is a plus
  • You have a high affinity for IT and systematic thinking and enjoy working in data models and data structures
  • Intercultural experience as well as very good presentation and communication skills (in German & English) round off your profile

with us. Will you join us?

Your future responsibilities:

  • Your tasks will include the creation of cost and emission models in coordination with your own team and relevant interface functions, e.g. R&D and product management
  • You create and manage the required system. They prepare their know-how and results and transfer them to the CVE organization and create management reports on the progress
  • You will act as the first point of contact for our expert software for both colleagues and the software provider (e.g. for new functions)
  • You will identify optimization and improvement potential in existing calculation processes and implement the improvements with the aim of increasing the efficiency and quality of analyses and calculations. You will implement simpler automation solutions yourself or act as a project manager for more complex automation solutions
  • In addition, you will identify further automation needs and digitalization, look for solutions and drive implementation
  • Your future tasks will also include the conception and implementation of a CVE application/dashboard for smart and fast calculations and reports
  • Constantly you inform yourself about new software solutions and innovations from suppliers and their potential for Innomotics.

Extra benefits:

  • competitive salary
  • annual bonus
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
  • home office 2 to 3 days per week
  • e-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers
  • possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice, Brno, Praha, Ostrava

Your profile:

  • The basis of your success is a master's degree in business informatics, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or a related discipline is an advantage
  • Building on this, you have several years of professional experience (5 years+) in cost and value engineering, in production planning with IT topics or IT projects related to production and technologies
  • You can use common MS Office applications and a product cost management tool
  • Knowledge of implementing simple digitalization solutions (e.g. using Azure or AWS) is required
  • Knowledge of Python, SQL and big data analytics as well as expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning is a plus
  • You have a high affinity for IT and systematic thinking and enjoy working in data models and data structures
  • Intercultural experience as well as very good presentation and communication skills (in German & English) round off your profile

In the context of cost and value engineering, we are looking for a key expert for the systematic modeling and management of infrastructure and data. As a key expert, you will be responsible for creating, maintaining and continuously improving cost models of manufacturing technologies and end products.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Your tasks will include the creation of cost and emission models in coordination with your own team and relevant interface functions, e.g. R&D and product management
  • You create and manage the required system. They prepare their know-how and results and transfer them to the CVE organization and create management reports on the progress
  • You will act as the first point of contact for our expert software for both colleagues and the software provider (e.g. for new functions)
  • You will identify optimization and improvement potential in existing calculation processes and implement the improvements with the aim of increasing the efficiency and quality of analyses and calculations. You will implement simpler automation solutions yourself or act as a project manager for more complex automation solutions
  • In addition, you will identify further automation needs and digitalization, look for solutions and drive implementation
  • Your future tasks will also include the conception and implementation of a CVE application/dashboard for smart and fast calculations and reports
  • Constantly you inform yourself about new software solutions and innovations from suppliers and their potential for Innomotics.

Extra benefits:

  • competitive salary
  • annual bonus
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
  • home office 2 to 3 days per week
  • e-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers
  • possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice, Brno, Praha, Ostrava

Your profile:

  • The basis of your success is a master's degree in business informatics, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or a related discipline is an advantage
  • Building on this, you have several years of professional experience (5 years+) in cost and value engineering, in production planning with IT topics or IT projects related to production and technologies
  • You can use common MS Office applications and a product cost management tool
  • Knowledge of implementing simple digitalization solutions (e.g. using Azure or AWS) is required
  • Knowledge of Python, SQL and big data analytics as well as expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning is a plus
  • You have a high affinity for IT and systematic thinking and enjoy working in data models and data structures
  • Intercultural experience as well as very good presentation and communication skills (in German & English) round off your profile

In the context of cost and value engineering, we are looking for a key expert for the systematic modeling and management of infrastructure and data. As a key expert, you will be responsible for creating, maintaining and continuously improving cost models of manufacturing technologies and end products.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Your tasks will include the creation of cost and emission models in coordination with your own team and relevant interface functions, e.g. R&D and product management
  • You create and manage the required system. They prepare their know-how and results and transfer them to the CVE organization and create management reports on the progress
  • You will act as the first point of contact for our expert software for both colleagues and the software provider (e.g. for new functions)
  • You will identify optimization and improvement potential in existing calculation processes and implement the improvements with the aim of increasing the efficiency and quality of analyses and calculations. You will implement simpler automation solutions yourself or act as a project manager for more complex automation solutions
  • In addition, you will identify further automation needs and digitalization, look for solutions and drive implementation
  • Your future tasks will also include the conception and implementation of a CVE application/dashboard for smart and fast calculations and reports
  • Constantly you inform yourself about new software solutions and innovations from suppliers and their potential for Innomotics.

Extra benefits:

  • competitive salary
  • annual bonus
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
  • home office 2 to 3 days per week
  • e-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers
  • possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice, Brno, Praha, Ostrava

Your profile:

  • The basis of your success is a master's degree in business informatics, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or a related discipline is an advantage
  • Building on this, you have several years of professional experience (5 years+) in cost and value engineering, in production planning with IT topics or IT projects related to production and technologies
  • You can use common MS Office applications and a product cost management tool
  • Knowledge of implementing simple digitalization solutions (e.g. using Azure or AWS) is required
  • Knowledge of Python, SQL and big data analytics as well as expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning is a plus
  • You have a high affinity for IT and systematic thinking and enjoy working in data models and data structures
  • Intercultural experience as well as very good presentation and communication skills (in German & English) round off your profile

We are looking for a Cybersecurity Expert for Asset Protection to join our team at Innomotics. Your change engine. Motors and drives are our business redefining reliable motion from check-time per day to uptime per lifecycle, from simply on/off to everything smart in between. Our most powerful engine: more than 15,000 dedicated experts, doers, colleagues. For them, engineering the future means keeping businesses in motion - in e-motion. We are the “we" in power - and we can empower you. 15,000 and counting. Are you looking for the stability of an established global player with the lean, innovative spirit of a mid-size hidden champion? That’s us! Are you looking to shape entire industries with a future-proof portfolio of more sustainable, energy efficient solutions? Deal, let’s go!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Support the setup of the asset classification process management and organize and coordinate the systematical execution of the individual steps of the ACP (Asset Classification and Protection) process on operational level including the development of protection concepts.
  • Support of definition, implementation and communication of scope, responsibilities, procedures, methods and tools for the ACP process execution including coordination and support of activities with other Business Representatives to ensure compliance to regulations and protection of assets.
  • Identify and register new assets within the company’s enterprise and factory infrastructure, defining their exact scope and architecture and classifying them to determine their potential criticality to business objectives and administer the documentation of assets in the tools.
  • Define and establish regular monitoring and reporting on the implementation and execution of the ACP process, ensuring the accuracy of asset data and the progress of process steps, and triggering the process steps and responsible persons as needed.
  • Organize and provide ACP trainings to ACP role owners and stakeholders, facilitating regular information exchange and awareness of relevant stakeholders to current ACP process steps, regulations and guidelines.
  • Develop, document and coordinate the planning for management and contribute to target definition for the implementation and execution of ACP..j

What you can look forward to:

  • Being part of a friendly team.
  • Use of English on daily basis and international atmosphere in our Drásov or Brno office.
  • 5 weeks holiday.
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of remote work 3 days a week.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Meal vouchers.
  • Annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.).
  • Broad range of various discounts and offers.

Your profile:

  • The basis of your success is a completed bachelor’s degree in the field of Information Security or IT related disciplines.
  • Building on this, you have gained two years of professional experience in Information Security, Project Management, Critical Assets Protection or related topics.
  • You speak fluent English. Czech and German language skills are a plus.

We are looking for a Cybersecurity Expert for Asset Protection to join our team at Innomotics. Your change engine. Motors and drives are our business redefining reliable motion from check-time per day to uptime per lifecycle, from simply on/off to everything smart in between. Our most powerful engine: more than 15,000 dedicated experts, doers, colleagues. For them, engineering the future means keeping businesses in motion - in e-motion. We are the “we" in power - and we can empower you. 15,000 and counting. Are you looking for the stability of an established global player with the lean, innovative spirit of a mid-size hidden champion? That’s us! Are you looking to shape entire industries with a future-proof portfolio of more sustainable, energy efficient solutions? Deal, let’s go!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Support the setup of the asset classification process management and organize and coordinate the systematical execution of the individual steps of the ACP (Asset Classification and Protection) process on operational level including the development of protection concepts.
  • Support of definition, implementation and communication of scope, responsibilities, procedures, methods and tools for the ACP process execution including coordination and support of activities with other Business Representatives to ensure compliance to regulations and protection of assets.
  • Identify and register new assets within the company’s enterprise and factory infrastructure, defining their exact scope and architecture and classifying them to determine their potential criticality to business objectives and administer the documentation of assets in the tools.
  • Define and establish regular monitoring and reporting on the implementation and execution of the ACP process, ensuring the accuracy of asset data and the progress of process steps, and triggering the process steps and responsible persons as needed.
  • Organize and provide ACP trainings to ACP role owners and stakeholders, facilitating regular information exchange and awareness of relevant stakeholders to current ACP process steps, regulations and guidelines.
  • Develop, document and coordinate the planning for management and contribute to target definition for the implementation and execution of ACP..j

What you can look forward to:

  • Being part of a friendly team.
  • Use of English on daily basis and international atmosphere in our Drásov or Brno office.
  • 5 weeks holiday.
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of remote work 3 days a week.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Meal vouchers.
  • Annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.).
  • Broad range of various discounts and offers.

Your profile:

  • The basis of your success is a completed bachelor’s degree in the field of Information Security or IT related disciplines.
  • Building on this, you have gained two years of professional experience in Information Security, Project Management, Critical Assets Protection or related topics.
  • You speak fluent English. Czech and German language skills are a plus.

We are seeking an experienced Data Analyst to join our Sales Excellence Team in Prague. We are looking for a data enthusiast that shares our passion to analyse and interpret complex data into valuable insights and drive data-informed decision-making across the organization.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Collect, clean, and analyse large datasets from various sources.
  • Develop and maintain existing dashboards and reports to track key performance indicators in BI tools.
  • Communicate finding and recommendations to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand their data needs and provide analytical support.
  • Utilize data science techniques such as machine learning, predictive modelling, and statistical analysis to derive insights.
  • Lead Projects to improve End to End Automatic Order Processing.
  • Proactively engage in market research to remain up to date with latest trends, tools, and methodologies.

What you can look forward to:

  • Being part of highly motivated and friendly team.
  • Working for a market of low voltage motors, with focus on automation and digitalization in the process and manufacturing industries
  • Use of English on daily basis and international atmosphere in our Prague office.
  • 5 weeks holiday.
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of remote work 2-3 days a week.
  • Annual bonus.
  • E-voucher card – for meal vouchers.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers.

Your profile:

  • Passionate about data.
  • Bachelor's or master’s degree in computer science, Statistics, Mathematics, or a related field.
  • 3+ years of proven experience working as a Data Analyst with focus on data visualization, AI deployment is a big plus.
  • Data visualization Landscape – PowerBI, Qlik Sense, and ability to create intuitive dashboards that tell a story.
  • Experience working with Snowflake for data warehousing and analytics including SQL queries.
  • Proficiency in English, German language is a plus.
  • Having industrial background is a big advantage for this role.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.
  • Permission to work in the Czech Republic.

Připojte se k našemu týmu Sales Excellence v Praze jako zkušený Datový analytik! Hledáme talentovaného kolegu, který s námi bude sdílet naši vášeň pro analýzu a interpretaci komplexních dat a společně s námi promění data na cenné poznatky, které podpoří rozhodování založené na datech v celé organizaci.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Připravovat, zpracovávat a analyzovat datové struktury z různých zdrojů.
  • Vyvíjet a udržovat stávající dashboardy a reporty pro sledování klíčových výkonnostních indikátorů v BI nástrojích.
  • Jasně a stručně sdělovat důležitá zjištění a doporučení zainteresovaným stranám.
  • Spolupracovat s ostatními týmy za účelem lepšího porozumění jejich datovým potřebám a následně jim poskytovat kvalitní analytickou podporu.
  • Využívat techniky datové vědy jako je strojové učení, prediktivní modelování a statistická analýza k získání dalších poznatků.
  • Vést projekty zaměřené na zlepšení automatizovaného zpracování objednávek.

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • Vysoce motivovaný a přátelský tým.
  • Práci v oblasti nízkonapěťových motorů s důrazem na automatizaci a digitalizaci.
  • Každodenní využívání angličtiny a práci v mezinárodním týmu.
  • 5 týdnů dovolené.
  • Flexibilní pracovní dobu s možností práce na dálku 2 až 3 dny v týdnu.
  • Roční bonus.
  • E-stravenky.
  • Rozpočet na zdraví a volnočasové aktivity (Benefit plus).

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Nadšení pro práci s daty.
  • Ochotu zapojovat se do průzkumu trhu a zůstávat informovaný o nejnovějších trendech, nástrojích a metodách.
  • Bakalářský nebo magisterský titul v IT, statistice, matematice nebo příbuzném oboru.
  • Minimálně 3 roky zkušeností na pozici Data Analyst se zaměřením na vizualizaci dat. Zkušenosti s implementací AI jsou velkou výhodou.
  • Znalost Power BI a Qlik Sense.
  • Zkušenosti s prací ve Snowflake, včetně SQL dotazů.
  • Komunikační znalost anglického jazyka, znalost německého jazyka je výhodou.
  • Zkušenosti z výrobního odvětví jsou výhodou.
  • Vynikající schopnost řešit problémy a rychle se přizpůsobovat měnícímu se prostředí.

We are the electrical design team as part of the global engineering at Innomotics/Siemens. Our company develops and manufactures high power electric motors and generators (up to 25 MW/MVA) tailored for customers all over the world. We work on orders of motors from Drasov, Nuremberg (Germany) and Norwood (USA). Become a member of our team!

Your future responsibilities:

  • electromagnetic design of rotating machines according to specific customer requirements.
  • preparation of documents and creation of feasibility studies, creation of Bills of Material.
  • creation of customer-specific documentation.
  • support of manufacturing departments, and coordination of projects to implement product enhancements.
  • assists in routine material specification, schematic preparation and appropriate follow-up.
  • assists in communicating routine technical and commercial issues clearly.
  • risk assessment and design of mitigation measures.
  • communication with customers in the context of machine design modifications

What you can look forward to:

  • a unique product - motors that are used, for example, on oil rigs or on the largest transport ships in the world
  • extensive training in the electric design tools used
  • room for innovation and creativity
  • opportunities for international work trips or other international cooperation
  • the opportunity to profile yourself in the field of new machine development
  • work in a cross-location and international team (Germany/USA)

Extra benefits:

  • 5 weeks of vacation
  • office in Drásov - near Brno
  • CZK 1400,- monthly employer's contribution to pension/life insurance
  • company meals at a discounted price
  • flexible working hours with a fixed core
  • CZK 15000,- per year for health and leisure activities (Benefit plus)
  • employee share matching program
  • Employee discount program (O2, T-mobile, Opel, KFC,...)
  • company language training

Your profile:

  • university of Electrical Engineering (minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering required or advanced degree, where required, or equivalent combination of education and experience)
  • basic: CZ, very good English language skills are required, German language is an advantage
  • experience in the design/construction of electrical rotating machines
  • basic knowledge of VFD applications, insulation design, power systems design, air flow and heat transfer preferred.
  • basis willingness to travel (parts of the training take place in USA)
  • knowledge of SAP (preferably)
  • orientation in technical documentation (foreign language)
  • creative and innovative thinking
  • diligence, independence, reliability, communicative, willingness to learn new things

We are the electrical design team as part of the global engineering at Innomotics/Siemens. Our company develops and manufactures high power electric motors and generators (up to 25 MW/MVA) tailored for customers all over the world. We work on orders of motors from Drasov, Nuremberg (Germany) and Norwood (USA). Become a member of our team!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Electromagnetic design of rotating machines according to specific customer requirements.
  • Preparation of documents and creation of feasibility studies, creation of Bills of Material.
  • Creation of customer-specific documentation.
  • Support of manufacturing departments, and coordination of projects to implement product enhancements.
  • Assists in routine material specification, schematic preparation and appropriate follow-up.
  • Assists in communicating routine technical and commercial issues clearly.
  • Risk assessment and design of mitigation measures.
  • Communication with customers in the context of machine design modifications.

What you can look forward to:

  • A unique product - motors that are used, for example, on oil rigs or on the largest transport ships in the world.
  • Extensive training in the electric design tools used.
  • Room for innovation and creativity.
  • Opportunities for international work trips or other international cooperation.
  • The opportunity to profile yourself in the field of new machine development.
  • Work in a cross-location and international team (Germany/USA).

Extra benefits:

  • 5 weeks of vacation.
  • Office in Drásov - near Brno.
  • CZK 1400,- monthly employer's contribution to pension/life insurance.
  • Company meals at a discounted price.
  • Flexible working hours with a fixed core.
  • CZK 15000,- per year for health and leisure activities (Benefit plus).
  • Employee discount program (O2, T-mobile, Opel, KFC,...).
  • Company language training.

Your profile:

  • University of Electrical Engineering (minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering required or advanced degree, where required, or equivalent combination of education and experience).
  • Basic: CZ, very good English language skills are required, German language is an advantage.
  • Experience in the design/construction of electrical rotating machines.
  • Basic knowledge of VFD applications, insulation design, power systems design, air flow and heat transfer preferred.
  • Basis willingness to travel (parts of the training take place in USA).
  • Knowledge of SAP (preferably).
  • Orientation in technical documentation (foreign language).
  • Creative and innovative thinking.
  • Diligence, independence, reliability, communicative, willingness to learn new things.

We are seeking a dedicated and customer-oriented Escalation Manager, fluent in both English and German to join our dynamic team. This role requires a proactive approach to problem-solving, exceptional communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively across various departments to address and resolve complex issues. Additionally, the Escalation Manager will perform business data analysis and reporting.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Manage Escalations: Take ownership of customer issues that have been escalated by regions beyond the first level of support, ensuring they are resolved promptly and effectively.
  • Coordinate with Teams: Work closely with regions and factories and prioritize the orders according to defined rules
  • Analyse Trends: Track and analyse trends in escalations to identify underlying issues and trends
  • Develop Processes: Develop and implement processes to improve the handling of escalations and reduce the number of future issues
  • Design and implement an escalation ticketing system to handle and resolve issues effectively and ensure timely responses to critical problems.
  • Reporting and data interpretation: Generate and present regular reports and data analyses on request

What you can look forward to:

  • Being part of highly motivated and friendly team.
  • Working for a market of low voltage motors, with focus on automation and digitalization in the process and manufacturing industries
  • Use of English on daily basis and international atmosphere in our Prague office.
  • 5 weeks holiday.
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of remote work 2-3 days a week.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Meal e-vouchers.
  • Broad range of wellbeing benefits - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers.

Your profile:

  • Bachelor's or master’s degree in business administration, or a related field
  • 3+ years of proven experience working in order management, escalation management or a customer service
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure and manage multiple priorities.
  • Experience with ERP, CRM platforms
  • Advanced Excel Proficiency: Mastery of functions, pivot tables, and data visualization. Power BI is a plus.
  • Data Interpretation: Ability to derive actionable insights from complex data sets.
  • Experience in tool management, including workflows and ticketing system.
  • Full Professional Working Proficiency in English and German
  • Permission to work in the Czech Republic.

Do you speak excellent English, have customs experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You are the responsible contact for all plants and locations within the assigned countries for Innomotics in the area of Customs
  • You support the local customs contacts in the assigned countries in the communication with authorities audits or checks through the authorities
  • You evaluate, establish and/or manage customs third party providers and provide guidance and support on third party providers in the assigned countries (e.g. Customs Brokers or external consultants) if they are managed locally.
  • You will evaluate and implement processes to support the implementation of regulatory requirements associated with duty minimizing programs.
  • You act as functional support in process designing, you support in the evaluation and solving of difficult export processes and in the implementation of ECC procedures and processes.
  • You act as deputy to the HUB Export Control expert in all Export Control related matters such as preparation and request of export approvals, licenses or certifications at the respective authorities if applicable, in close contact and collaboration with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You prepare and drive the different security in the supply chain program certifications (e.g. AEO, C-TPAT, etc.) at the respective authorities and are responsible for maintaining them.
  • You verify and approve contracts together with the Legal & Compliance function with regard to ECC topics.
  • You establish, support, and have regular communication with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You Implement, enforce and control all requirements of the global ICP as well as local requirements based on national legislation.
  • You support and contribute in ICP design if there are additional ECC specific topics that need to be covered in the area of responsibility.
  • You analyze import and export regulatory changes for impacts and ensure relevant functional training for all impacted employees.
  • You support in the evaluation, implementation, and management of ECC tools.
  • You develop standard of care for the assignment of trade data elements (harmonized tariff code, export control classification number, country of origin and preference).
  • You support in ERP testing when new IT processes with ECC relevance are rolled out.
  • You provide transactional import or export support in the assigned countries as needed.

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control and Customs
  • Previous experience in the area of Customs Classification
  • Willingness to enlarge your skills and knowledge with Export Control topics in order to be able to act as deputy in the area of Export Control
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1), any additional language is an advantage
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Reliability, thoroughness
  • Active approach to work
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Work in a fast-paced environment
  • Work with minimal guidance or direction
  • Detail oriented
  • Identify and implement process improvement opportunities
  • Effectively communicate and manage change
  • Review / comprehend technical specifications, drawings, or other product information
  • Perform research (online or otherwise) to obtain necessary product details for classification purposes

Do you speak excellent English, have customs experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You are the responsible contact for all plants and locations within the assigned countries for Innomotics in the area of Customs
  • You support the local customs contacts in the assigned countries in the communication with authorities audits or checks through the authorities
  • You evaluate, establish and/or manage customs third party providers and provide guidance and support on third party providers in the assigned countries (e.g. Customs Brokers or external consultants) if they are managed locally.
  • You will evaluate and implement processes to support the implementation of regulatory requirements associated with duty minimizing programs.
  • You act as functional support in process designing, you support in the evaluation and solving of difficult export processes and in the implementation of ECC procedures and processes.
  • You act as deputy to the HUB Export Control expert in all Export Control related matters such as preparation and request of export approvals, licenses or certifications at the respective authorities if applicable, in close contact and collaboration with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You prepare and drive the different security in the supply chain program certifications (e.g. AEO, C-TPAT, etc.) at the respective authorities and are responsible for maintaining them.
  • You verify and approve contracts together with the Legal & Compliance function with regard to ECC topics.
  • You establish, support, and have regular communication with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You Implement, enforce and control all requirements of the global ICP as well as local requirements based on national legislation.
  • You support and contribute in ICP design if there are additional ECC specific topics that need to be covered in the area of responsibility.
  • You analyze import and export regulatory changes for impacts and ensure relevant functional training for all impacted employees.
  • You support in the evaluation, implementation, and management of ECC tools.
  • You develop standard of care for the assignment of trade data elements (harmonized tariff code, export control classification number, country of origin and preference).
  • You support in ERP testing when new IT processes with ECC relevance are rolled out.
  • You provide transactional import or export support in the assigned countries as needed.

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control and Customs
  • Previous experience in the area of Customs Classification
  • Willingness to enlarge your skills and knowledge with Export Control topics in order to be able to act as deputy in the area of Export Control
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1), any additional language is an advantage
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Reliability, thoroughness
  • Active approach to work
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Work in a fast-paced environment
  • Work with minimal guidance or direction
  • Detail oriented
  • Identify and implement process improvement opportunities
  • Effectively communicate and manage change
  • Review / comprehend technical specifications, drawings, or other product information
  • Perform research (online or otherwise) to obtain necessary product details for classification purposes

Do you speak excellent English, have customs experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You are the responsible contact for all plants and locations within the assigned countries for Innomotics in the area of Customs
  • You support the local customs contacts in the assigned countries in the communication with authorities audits or checks through the authorities
  • You evaluate, establish and/or manage customs third party providers and provide guidance and support on third party providers in the assigned countries (e.g. Customs Brokers or external consultants) if they are managed locally.
  • You will evaluate and implement processes to support the implementation of regulatory requirements associated with duty minimizing programs.
  • You act as functional support in process designing, you support in the evaluation and solving of difficult export processes and in the implementation of ECC procedures and processes.
  • You act as deputy to the HUB Export Control expert in all Export Control related matters such as preparation and request of export approvals, licenses or certifications at the respective authorities if applicable, in close contact and collaboration with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You prepare and drive the different security in the supply chain program certifications (e.g. AEO, C-TPAT, etc.) at the respective authorities and are responsible for maintaining them.
  • You verify and approve contracts together with the Legal & Compliance function with regard to ECC topics.
  • You establish, support, and have regular communication with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You Implement, enforce and control all requirements of the global ICP as well as local requirements based on national legislation.
  • You support and contribute in ICP design if there are additional ECC specific topics that need to be covered in the area of responsibility.
  • You analyze import and export regulatory changes for impacts and ensure relevant functional training for all impacted employees.
  • You support in the evaluation, implementation, and management of ECC tools.
  • You develop standard of care for the assignment of trade data elements (harmonized tariff code, export control classification number, country of origin and preference).
  • You support in ERP testing when new IT processes with ECC relevance are rolled out.
  • You provide transactional import or export support in the assigned countries as needed.

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control and Customs
  • Previous experience in the area of Customs Classification
  • Willingness to enlarge your skills and knowledge with Export Control topics in order to be able to act as deputy in the area of Export Control
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1), any additional language is an advantage
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Reliability, thoroughness
  • Active approach to work
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Work in a fast-paced environment
  • Work with minimal guidance or direction
  • Detail oriented
  • Identify and implement process improvement opportunities
  • Effectively communicate and manage change
  • Review / comprehend technical specifications, drawings, or other product information
  • Perform research (online or otherwise) to obtain necessary product details for classification purposes

Do you speak excellent English, have customs experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You are the responsible contact for all plants and locations within the assigned countries for Innomotics in the area of Customs
  • You support the local customs contacts in the assigned countries in the communication with authorities audits or checks through the authorities
  • You evaluate, establish and/or manage customs third party providers and provide guidance and support on third party providers in the assigned countries (e.g. Customs Brokers or external consultants) if they are managed locally.
  • You will evaluate and implement processes to support the implementation of regulatory requirements associated with duty minimizing programs.
  • You act as functional support in process designing, you support in the evaluation and solving of difficult export processes and in the implementation of ECC procedures and processes.
  • You act as deputy to the HUB Export Control expert in all Export Control related matters such as preparation and request of export approvals, licenses or certifications at the respective authorities if applicable, in close contact and collaboration with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You prepare and drive the different security in the supply chain program certifications (e.g. AEO, C-TPAT, etc.) at the respective authorities and are responsible for maintaining them.
  • You verify and approve contracts together with the Legal & Compliance function with regard to ECC topics.
  • You establish, support, and have regular communication with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You Implement, enforce and control all requirements of the global ICP as well as local requirements based on national legislation.
  • You support and contribute in ICP design if there are additional ECC specific topics that need to be covered in the area of responsibility.
  • You analyze import and export regulatory changes for impacts and ensure relevant functional training for all impacted employees.
  • You support in the evaluation, implementation, and management of ECC tools.
  • You develop standard of care for the assignment of trade data elements (harmonized tariff code, export control classification number, country of origin and preference).
  • You support in ERP testing when new IT processes with ECC relevance are rolled out.
  • You provide transactional import or export support in the assigned countries as needed.

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control and Customs
  • Previous experience in the area of Customs Classification
  • Willingness to enlarge your skills and knowledge with Export Control topics in order to be able to act as deputy in the area of Export Control
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1), any additional language is an advantage
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Reliability, thoroughness
  • Active approach to work
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Work in a fast-paced environment
  • Work with minimal guidance or direction
  • Detail oriented
  • Identify and implement process improvement opportunities
  • Effectively communicate and manage change
  • Review / comprehend technical specifications, drawings, or other product information
  • Perform research (online or otherwise) to obtain necessary product details for classification purposes

Do you speak excellent English, have customs and export control experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You are the responsible Export Control contact for all plants and locations within the assigned countries for Innomotics.
  • You support the local export control contacts in the assigned countries in the communication with authorities, audits or checks through the authorities.
  • You evaluate, establish and/or manage Export Control third party providers if applicable or provide guidance on the selection and management of third-party providers in the assigned countries (e.g. external consultants).
  • You act as functional support in process designing, you support in the evaluation and solving of difficult export processes and in the implementation of ECC procedures and processes.
  • You are business consultant and advisor and act as approval responsible (case release) in the case of involvement of listed partners, countries of concern or specific controlled items.
  • You act as deputy to the HUB Customs Expert in all Customs related matters in close contact and collaboration with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You verify and approve contracts together with the Legal &
  • Compliance function with regard to ECC topics.
  • You establish, support, and have regular communication with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You implement, enforce and control all requirements of the global ICP as well as local requirements based on national legislation.
  • You support and contribute in ICP design if there are additional ECC specific topics that need to be covered in the area of responsibility.
  • You analyze import and export regulatory changes for impacts and ensure relevant functional training for all impacted employees.
  • You act as responsible contact for the HUB in the evaluation, implementation, and management of a Global Trade Management Tool.
  • You develop standard of care for the assignment of trade data elements (harmonized tariff code, export control classification number, country of origin and preference).
  • You support in ERP testing when new IT processes with ECC relevance are rolled out.
  • You provide transactional import or export and classification support as needed.

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control and Customs
  • Experience in dealing with Export Control regimes of different countries, like EU dualuse regulation and especially US export control rules and regulations.
  • Willingness to enlarge your skills and knowledge with Customs topics to be able to act as deputy in the area of Customs
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1), any additional language is an advantage
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Reliability, thoroughness
  • Active approach to work
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Work in a fast-paced environment
  • Work with minimal guidance or direction
  • Detail oriented
  • Identify and implement process improvement opportunities
  • Effectively communicate and manage change
  • Review / comprehend technical specifications, drawings, or other product information
  • Perform research (online or otherwise) to obtain necessary product details for classification purposes

Do you speak excellent English, have customs and export control experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You are the responsible Export Control contact for all plants and locations within the assigned countries for Innomotics.
  • You support the local export control contacts in the assigned countries in the communication with authorities, audits or checks through the authorities.
  • You evaluate, establish and/or manage Export Control third party providers if applicable or provide guidance on the selection and management of third-party providers in the assigned countries (e.g. external consultants).
  • You act as functional support in process designing, you support in the evaluation and solving of difficult export processes and in the implementation of ECC procedures and processes.
  • You are business consultant and advisor and act as approval responsible (case release) in the case of involvement of listed partners, countries of concern or specific controlled items.
  • You act as deputy to the HUB Customs Expert in all Customs related matters in close contact and collaboration with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You verify and approve contracts together with the Legal &
  • Compliance function with regard to ECC topics.
  • You establish, support, and have regular communication with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You implement, enforce and control all requirements of the global ICP as well as local requirements based on national legislation.
  • You support and contribute in ICP design if there are additional ECC specific topics that need to be covered in the area of responsibility.
  • You analyze import and export regulatory changes for impacts and ensure relevant functional training for all impacted employees.
  • You act as responsible contact for the HUB in the evaluation, implementation, and management of a Global Trade Management Tool.
  • You develop standard of care for the assignment of trade data elements (harmonized tariff code, export control classification number, country of origin and preference).
  • You support in ERP testing when new IT processes with ECC relevance are rolled out.
  • You provide transactional import or export and classification support as needed.

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control and Customs
  • Experience in dealing with Export Control regimes of different countries, like EU dualuse regulation and especially US export control rules and regulations.
  • Willingness to enlarge your skills and knowledge with Customs topics to be able to act as deputy in the area of Customs
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1), any additional language is an advantage
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Reliability, thoroughness
  • Active approach to work
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Work in a fast-paced environment
  • Work with minimal guidance or direction
  • Detail oriented
  • Identify and implement process improvement opportunities
  • Effectively communicate and manage change
  • Review / comprehend technical specifications, drawings, or other product information
  • Perform research (online or otherwise) to obtain necessary product details for classification purposes

Do you speak excellent English, have customs and export control experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You are the responsible Export Control contact for all plants and locations within the assigned countries for Innomotics.
  • You support the local export control contacts in the assigned countries in the communication with authorities, audits or checks through the authorities.
  • You evaluate, establish and/or manage Export Control third party providers if applicable or provide guidance on the selection and management of third-party providers in the assigned countries (e.g. external consultants).
  • You act as functional support in process designing, you support in the evaluation and solving of difficult export processes and in the implementation of ECC procedures and processes.
  • You are business consultant and advisor and act as approval responsible (case release) in the case of involvement of listed partners, countries of concern or specific controlled items.
  • You act as deputy to the HUB Customs Expert in all Customs related matters in close contact and collaboration with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You verify and approve contracts together with the Legal &
  • Compliance function with regard to ECC topics.
  • You establish, support, and have regular communication with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You implement, enforce and control all requirements of the global ICP as well as local requirements based on national legislation.
  • You support and contribute in ICP design if there are additional ECC specific topics that need to be covered in the area of responsibility.
  • You analyze import and export regulatory changes for impacts and ensure relevant functional training for all impacted employees.
  • You act as responsible contact for the HUB in the evaluation, implementation, and management of a Global Trade Management Tool.
  • You develop standard of care for the assignment of trade data elements (harmonized tariff code, export control classification number, country of origin and preference).
  • You support in ERP testing when new IT processes with ECC relevance are rolled out.
  • You provide transactional import or export and classification support as needed.

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control and Customs
  • Experience in dealing with Export Control regimes of different countries, like EU dualuse regulation and especially US export control rules and regulations.
  • Willingness to enlarge your skills and knowledge with Customs topics to be able to act as deputy in the area of Customs
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1), any additional language is an advantage
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Reliability, thoroughness
  • Active approach to work
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Work in a fast-paced environment
  • Work with minimal guidance or direction
  • Detail oriented
  • Identify and implement process improvement opportunities
  • Effectively communicate and manage change
  • Review / comprehend technical specifications, drawings, or other product information
  • Perform research (online or otherwise) to obtain necessary product details for classification purposes

Do you speak excellent English, have customs and export control experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You are the responsible Export Control contact for all plants and locations within the assigned countries for Innomotics.
  • You support the local export control contacts in the assigned countries in the communication with authorities, audits or checks through the authorities.
  • You evaluate, establish and/or manage Export Control third party providers if applicable or provide guidance on the selection and management of third-party providers in the assigned countries (e.g. external consultants).
  • You act as functional support in process designing, you support in the evaluation and solving of difficult export processes and in the implementation of ECC procedures and processes.
  • You are business consultant and advisor and act as approval responsible (case release) in the case of involvement of listed partners, countries of concern or specific controlled items.
  • You act as deputy to the HUB Customs Expert in all Customs related matters in close contact and collaboration with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You verify and approve contracts together with the Legal &
  • Compliance function with regard to ECC topics.
  • You establish, support, and have regular communication with ECC representatives of the assigned countries.
  • You implement, enforce and control all requirements of the global ICP as well as local requirements based on national legislation.
  • You support and contribute in ICP design if there are additional ECC specific topics that need to be covered in the area of responsibility.
  • You analyze import and export regulatory changes for impacts and ensure relevant functional training for all impacted employees.
  • You act as responsible contact for the HUB in the evaluation, implementation, and management of a Global Trade Management Tool.
  • You develop standard of care for the assignment of trade data elements (harmonized tariff code, export control classification number, country of origin and preference).
  • You support in ERP testing when new IT processes with ECC relevance are rolled out.
  • You provide transactional import or export and classification support as needed.

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control and Customs
  • Experience in dealing with Export Control regimes of different countries, like EU dualuse regulation and especially US export control rules and regulations.
  • Willingness to enlarge your skills and knowledge with Customs topics to be able to act as deputy in the area of Customs
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1), any additional language is an advantage
  • SAP knowledge is an advantage
  • Reliability, thoroughness
  • Active approach to work
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Work in a fast-paced environment
  • Work with minimal guidance or direction
  • Detail oriented
  • Identify and implement process improvement opportunities
  • Effectively communicate and manage change
  • Review / comprehend technical specifications, drawings, or other product information
  • Perform research (online or otherwise) to obtain necessary product details for classification purposes

Do you speak excellent English, have Export Control experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Support the Innomotics export control and customs responsible (ECC) in the Czech Republic as part of the HUB DE/CZ
  • Handle matters relating to goods and order specific export controls, sanctions, and embargo regulations under CZ, EU, and US law
  • Assist the ECC Team in controlling and developing internal ECC processes according to legal requirements and policies
  • Develop, implement, and enforce the Internal Control Program (ICP) for export control
  • Evaluate contract clauses and critical export transactions, as well as contract and delivery releases
  • Support the application of export licenses and the preparation of reports
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements through organizational measures and proper export customs processes
  • Conduct regular spot checks and cooperate during official external and internal audits
  • Cooperate in the preparation, development, and implementation of global trainings, workshops, reviews, and presentations
  • Analyze legal/export control and customs-related requirements and develop specialist concepts for their integration into IT/ERP systems
  • Support the local SAP RLP Team with the maintenance of export control-specific settings in the SAP System
  • Analyze goods (hardware, software, technology) according to technical characteristics and determine goods-specific export data based on legal requirements (EU regulation, Union Customs Code, etc.)
  • Review and resolve export control escalations
  • Engage in cross-border activities and cooperate with the Innomotics ECC community worldwide

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1)
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • SAP is an advantage
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Reliability, thoroughness and independence, detail oriented
  • Active approach to work

Do you speak excellent English, have Export Control experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Support the Innomotics export control and customs responsible (ECC) in the Czech Republic as part of the HUB DE/CZ
  • Handle matters relating to goods and order specific export controls, sanctions, and embargo regulations under CZ, EU, and US law
  • Assist the ECC Team in controlling and developing internal ECC processes according to legal requirements and policies
  • Develop, implement, and enforce the Internal Control Program (ICP) for export control
  • Evaluate contract clauses and critical export transactions, as well as contract and delivery releases
  • Support the application of export licenses and the preparation of reports
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements through organizational measures and proper export customs processes
  • Conduct regular spot checks and cooperate during official external and internal audits
  • Cooperate in the preparation, development, and implementation of global trainings, workshops, reviews, and presentations
  • Analyze legal/export control and customs-related requirements and develop specialist concepts for their integration into IT/ERP systems
  • Support the local SAP RLP Team with the maintenance of export control-specific settings in the SAP System
  • Analyze goods (hardware, software, technology) according to technical characteristics and determine goods-specific export data based on legal requirements (EU regulation, Union Customs Code, etc.)
  • Review and resolve export control escalations
  • Engage in cross-border activities and cooperate with the Innomotics ECC community worldwide

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1)
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • SAP is an advantage
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Reliability, thoroughness and independence, detail oriented
  • Active approach to work

Do you speak excellent English, have Export Control experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Support the Innomotics export control and customs responsible (ECC) in the Czech Republic as part of the HUB DE/CZ
  • Handle matters relating to goods and order specific export controls, sanctions, and embargo regulations under CZ, EU, and US law
  • Assist the ECC Team in controlling and developing internal ECC processes according to legal requirements and policies
  • Develop, implement, and enforce the Internal Control Program (ICP) for export control
  • Evaluate contract clauses and critical export transactions, as well as contract and delivery releases
  • Support the application of export licenses and the preparation of reports
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements through organizational measures and proper export customs processes
  • Conduct regular spot checks and cooperate during official external and internal audits
  • Cooperate in the preparation, development, and implementation of global trainings, workshops, reviews, and presentations
  • Analyze legal/export control and customs-related requirements and develop specialist concepts for their integration into IT/ERP systems
  • Support the local SAP RLP Team with the maintenance of export control-specific settings in the SAP System
  • Analyze goods (hardware, software, technology) according to technical characteristics and determine goods-specific export data based on legal requirements (EU regulation, Union Customs Code, etc.)
  • Review and resolve export control escalations
  • Engage in cross-border activities and cooperate with the Innomotics ECC community worldwide

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1)
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • SAP is an advantage
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Reliability, thoroughness and independence, detail oriented
  • Active approach to work

Do you speak excellent English, have Export Control experience and excellent communication skills? Then we're looking for you. Take the opportunity to work in an international environment and join us!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Support the Innomotics export control and customs responsible (ECC) in the Czech Republic as part of the HUB DE/CZ
  • Handle matters relating to goods and order specific export controls, sanctions, and embargo regulations under CZ, EU, and US law
  • Assist the ECC Team in controlling and developing internal ECC processes according to legal requirements and policies
  • Develop, implement, and enforce the Internal Control Program (ICP) for export control
  • Evaluate contract clauses and critical export transactions, as well as contract and delivery releases
  • Support the application of export licenses and the preparation of reports
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements through organizational measures and proper export customs processes
  • Conduct regular spot checks and cooperate during official external and internal audits
  • Cooperate in the preparation, development, and implementation of global trainings, workshops, reviews, and presentations
  • Analyze legal/export control and customs-related requirements and develop specialist concepts for their integration into IT/ERP systems
  • Support the local SAP RLP Team with the maintenance of export control-specific settings in the SAP System
  • Analyze goods (hardware, software, technology) according to technical characteristics and determine goods-specific export data based on legal requirements (EU regulation, Union Customs Code, etc.)
  • Review and resolve export control escalations
  • Engage in cross-border activities and cooperate with the Innomotics ECC community worldwide

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Daily use of the English language
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone
  • Working from home (with occasional travel to the office/factory)
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Drásov, Praha, Brno

Your profile:

  • University degree (engineering, business administration) or equivalent
  • Previous experience roles associated with Export Control
  • Experience in working in a multi-cultural corporate business setting
  • Advanced knowledge of English (C1)
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office
  • SAP is an advantage
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbally and in writing
  • Willingness to travel (10%-20%)
  • Reliability, thoroughness and independence, detail oriented
  • Active approach to work

Do you have at least three years of experience in treasury? Are you communicative and enjoy working in an international environment? Then we are looking for you!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You support the whole Finance and Treasury Team implementing the treasury management systems ensuring functional readiness for Innomotics’ independence post Closing.
  • You support the Finance and Treasury Team as well as the entire Innomotics Group in setting up and administrating the finance and treasury IT landscape (mainly payment platform and in-house bank tool), including master data management, user authorization, monitoring of inter-faces or administration of cash pools and intercompany clearing; the management of our ex-ternal system providers is also part of your duties.
  • You implement and manage the global bank account and payment structure in regulated as well as non-regulated countries (e.g. cash pooling, account clearing).
  • You ensure cash concentration at central level to the extent possible by monitoring bank ac-count balances and steering short-term cash needs.
  • Your responsibility includes the execution of payments and processing of bank account state-ments in the context of finance and treasury transactions.
  • You closely collaborate with the other Innomotics Finance and Treasury teams in order to drive continuous optimization and the digitalization of processes.

What you can look forward to:

  • Flexibility: trustful environment with an inclusive and flexible way of working driven by results; hybrid and remote working enabled by innovative tools and devices, personal computer and smartphone.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, evoucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change.
  • Daily use of English or German language.
  • Never stop growing: plenty opportunities for continuous and individual learning journeys.
  • An inclusive team culture where you can be yourself.
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Brno, Drásov, Praha.

Your profile:

  • We are looking forward to meeting you if you hold a degree in Finance, Mathematics, Account-ing, IT or similar, ideally complemented by an additional finance-related qualification.
  • You have at least three years of experience in treasury, ideally in a global mid-size company environment.
  • You have proven knowledge in digitalization and automation of treasury- and / or cash man-agement processes, including relevant reporting.
  • Considering a particularly high number of internal and external contacts required to effectively carry out this role, highly effective networking, collaboration, and communication skills are key for this role.
  • You work highly analytically and conceptionally under great commitment and resilience.
  • Ideally you have experience from working abroad and gained a deep understanding of different cultures and their way of interacting.
  • You demonstrate fluent command of German and English.
  • Your openness and interest in new things make you to an outstanding team player contributing to our successful and powerful Innomotics Finance & Treasury Team

Do you have at least three years of experience in treasury? Are you communicative and enjoy working in an international environment? Then we are looking for you!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You support the whole Finance and Treasury Team implementing the treasury management systems ensuring functional readiness for Innomotics’ independence post Closing.
  • You support the Finance and Treasury Team as well as the entire Innomotics Group in setting up and administrating the finance and treasury IT landscape (mainly payment platform and in-house bank tool), including master data management, user authorization, monitoring of inter-faces or administration of cash pools and intercompany clearing; the management of our ex-ternal system providers is also part of your duties.
  • You implement and manage the global bank account and payment structure in regulated as well as non-regulated countries (e.g. cash pooling, account clearing).
  • You ensure cash concentration at central level to the extent possible by monitoring bank ac-count balances and steering short-term cash needs.
  • Your responsibility includes the execution of payments and processing of bank account state-ments in the context of finance and treasury transactions.
  • You closely collaborate with the other Innomotics Finance and Treasury teams in order to drive continuous optimization and the digitalization of processes.

What you can look forward to:

  • Flexibility: trustful environment with an inclusive and flexible way of working driven by results; hybrid and remote working enabled by innovative tools and devices, personal computer and smartphone.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, evoucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change.
  • Daily use of English or German language.
  • Never stop growing: plenty opportunities for continuous and individual learning journeys.
  • An inclusive team culture where you can be yourself.
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Brno, Drásov, Praha.

Your profile:

  • We are looking forward to meeting you if you hold a degree in Finance, Mathematics, Account-ing, IT or similar, ideally complemented by an additional finance-related qualification.
  • You have at least three years of experience in treasury, ideally in a global mid-size company environment.
  • You have proven knowledge in digitalization and automation of treasury- and / or cash man-agement processes, including relevant reporting.
  • Considering a particularly high number of internal and external contacts required to effectively carry out this role, highly effective networking, collaboration, and communication skills are key for this role.
  • You work highly analytically and conceptionally under great commitment and resilience.
  • Ideally you have experience from working abroad and gained a deep understanding of different cultures and their way of interacting.
  • You demonstrate fluent command of German and English.
  • Your openness and interest in new things make you to an outstanding team player contributing to our successful and powerful Innomotics Finance & Treasury Team

Do you have at least three years of experience in treasury? Are you communicative and enjoy working in an international environment? Then we are looking for you!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You support the whole Finance and Treasury Team implementing the treasury management systems ensuring functional readiness for Innomotics’ independence post Closing.
  • You support the Finance and Treasury Team as well as the entire Innomotics Group in setting up and administrating the finance and treasury IT landscape (mainly payment platform and in-house bank tool), including master data management, user authorization, monitoring of inter-faces or administration of cash pools and intercompany clearing; the management of our ex-ternal system providers is also part of your duties.
  • You implement and manage the global bank account and payment structure in regulated as well as non-regulated countries (e.g. cash pooling, account clearing).
  • You ensure cash concentration at central level to the extent possible by monitoring bank ac-count balances and steering short-term cash needs.
  • Your responsibility includes the execution of payments and processing of bank account state-ments in the context of finance and treasury transactions.
  • You closely collaborate with the other Innomotics Finance and Treasury teams in order to drive continuous optimization and the digitalization of processes.

What you can look forward to:

  • Flexibility: trustful environment with an inclusive and flexible way of working driven by results; hybrid and remote working enabled by innovative tools and devices, personal computer and smartphone.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, evoucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change.
  • Daily use of English or German language.
  • Never stop growing: plenty opportunities for continuous and individual learning journeys.
  • An inclusive team culture where you can be yourself.
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Brno, Drásov, Praha.

Your profile:

  • We are looking forward to meeting you if you hold a degree in Finance, Mathematics, Account-ing, IT or similar, ideally complemented by an additional finance-related qualification.
  • You have at least three years of experience in treasury, ideally in a global mid-size company environment.
  • You have proven knowledge in digitalization and automation of treasury- and / or cash man-agement processes, including relevant reporting.
  • Considering a particularly high number of internal and external contacts required to effectively carry out this role, highly effective networking, collaboration, and communication skills are key for this role.
  • You work highly analytically and conceptionally under great commitment and resilience.
  • Ideally you have experience from working abroad and gained a deep understanding of different cultures and their way of interacting.
  • You demonstrate fluent command of German and English.
  • Your openness and interest in new things make you to an outstanding team player contributing to our successful and powerful Innomotics Finance & Treasury Team

Do you have at least three years of experience in treasury? Are you communicative and enjoy working in an international environment? Then we are looking for you!

Your future responsibilities:

  • You support the whole Finance and Treasury Team implementing the treasury management systems ensuring functional readiness for Innomotics’ independence post Closing.
  • You support the Finance and Treasury Team as well as the entire Innomotics Group in setting up and administrating the finance and treasury IT landscape (mainly payment platform and in-house bank tool), including master data management, user authorization, monitoring of inter-faces or administration of cash pools and intercompany clearing; the management of our ex-ternal system providers is also part of your duties.
  • You implement and manage the global bank account and payment structure in regulated as well as non-regulated countries (e.g. cash pooling, account clearing).
  • You ensure cash concentration at central level to the extent possible by monitoring bank ac-count balances and steering short-term cash needs.
  • Your responsibility includes the execution of payments and processing of bank account state-ments in the context of finance and treasury transactions.
  • You closely collaborate with the other Innomotics Finance and Treasury teams in order to drive continuous optimization and the digitalization of processes.

What you can look forward to:

  • Flexibility: trustful environment with an inclusive and flexible way of working driven by results; hybrid and remote working enabled by innovative tools and devices, personal computer and smartphone.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, evoucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change.
  • Daily use of English or German language.
  • Never stop growing: plenty opportunities for continuous and individual learning journeys.
  • An inclusive team culture where you can be yourself.
  • Possible place of work: Mohelnice, Frenštát, Brno, Drásov, Praha.

Your profile:

  • We are looking forward to meeting you if you hold a degree in Finance, Mathematics, Account-ing, IT or similar, ideally complemented by an additional finance-related qualification.
  • You have at least three years of experience in treasury, ideally in a global mid-size company environment.
  • You have proven knowledge in digitalization and automation of treasury- and / or cash man-agement processes, including relevant reporting.
  • Considering a particularly high number of internal and external contacts required to effectively carry out this role, highly effective networking, collaboration, and communication skills are key for this role.
  • You work highly analytically and conceptionally under great commitment and resilience.
  • Ideally you have experience from working abroad and gained a deep understanding of different cultures and their way of interacting.
  • You demonstrate fluent command of German and English.
  • Your openness and interest in new things make you to an outstanding team player contributing to our successful and powerful Innomotics Finance & Treasury Team

We are looking for a Functional Controller Procurement (SCM Specialist) to join our team at Innomotics – A Siemens Business. Your change engine. Motors and drives are our business redefining reliable motion from check-time per day to uptime per lifecycle, from simply on/off to everything smart in between. Our most powerful engine: more than 15,000 dedicated experts, doers, colleagues. For them, engineering the future means keeping businesses in motion – in e-motion. We are the “we” in power – and we can empower you. 15,000 and counting. Are you looking for the stability of an established global player with the lean, innovative spirit of a mid-size hidden champion? That’s us! Are you looking to shape entire industries with a future-proof portfolio of more sustainable, energy efficient solutions? Deal, let’s go!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Self dependent and reliable execution of the reporting/controlling function to provide a regular (management) information system and to establish data transparency within defined Locations.
  • Adherence to and deployment of superordinated requirements (guidelines, KPIs) and controlling tools to secure a consequent process compliance.
  • Development of complex and comprehensive (ad-hoc) analyses, concepts, presentations and other support to lay an objective and reliable foundation for management decisions.
  • Increase of transparency about Procurement activities and occurences within assigned area of responsibility to assist and support business challenges and processes on functional level. Compilation of analyses and derivation of proposals/hypotheses for improvement of material field strategies.
  • Optimization and efficiency enhancement of the controlling process under selection, development and implementation of appropriate controlling tools (following superordinated requirements) for the assigned area of responsibility. Leading/participating in workshops and projects to collect information and to further develop the controlling function.
  • Coordination and controlling of the budget planning for the assigned Locations in alignment with other relevant organizational units, cross-functions and superordinated units.
  • Ensure knowledge transfer (guidelines, tools, etc.) to the assigned Locations and interface partners through proactive communication and lead of / participation in workshops.
  • (Strategic) Projects - Responsible for interdisciplinary project work to optimize processes.
  • Concepts - Design future-oriented, innovative concepts and implement the concepts to secure the success of the organization with a systematic and strategic approach.
  • Standardization - Design and implement standardized methods, processes and systems to optimize processes and work results.

What you can look forward to:

  • Office in Drásov, Prague or Brno.
  • Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Flexi-time working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Attractive financial package.
  • Wide range of benefits (5 weeks holiday, meal allowances, Cafeteria system up to 15.000 CZK yearly, pension insurance contribution 1.400 CZK/month, equity program, corporate holiday resort in Vysočina)...

Your profile:

  • Master’s degree in Business Administration or Engineering.
  • At least 3-5 years of professional experience in procurement controlling and/or strategic procuremen.
  • Deep knowledge of SCM CoRE, Anaplan, PUMA is an advantage.
  • Knowledge of implementing digitalization solutions (e.g Dash Boards).
  • Analytic mindset with success-orientated and creative solution finding.
  • Fluent language skills in English / German is a plus.

We are looking for a Functional Controller Procurement (SCM Specialist) to join our team at Innomotics – A Siemens Business. Your change engine. Motors and drives are our business redefining reliable motion from check-time per day to uptime per lifecycle, from simply on/off to everything smart in between. Our most powerful engine: more than 15,000 dedicated experts, doers, colleagues. For them, engineering the future means keeping businesses in motion – in e-motion. We are the “we” in power – and we can empower you. 15,000 and counting. Are you looking for the stability of an established global player with the lean, innovative spirit of a mid-size hidden champion? That’s us! Are you looking to shape entire industries with a future-proof portfolio of more sustainable, energy efficient solutions? Deal, let’s go!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Self dependent and reliable execution of the reporting/controlling function to provide a regular (management) information system and to establish data transparency within defined Locations.
  • Adherence to and deployment of superordinated requirements (guidelines, KPIs) and controlling tools to secure a consequent process compliance.
  • Development of complex and comprehensive (ad-hoc) analyses, concepts, presentations and other support to lay an objective and reliable foundation for management decisions.
  • Increase of transparency about Procurement activities and occurences within assigned area of responsibility to assist and support business challenges and processes on functional level. Compilation of analyses and derivation of proposals/hypotheses for improvement of material field strategies.
  • Optimization and efficiency enhancement of the controlling process under selection, development and implementation of appropriate controlling tools (following superordinated requirements) for the assigned area of responsibility. Leading/participating in workshops and projects to collect information and to further develop the controlling function.
  • Coordination and controlling of the budget planning for the assigned Locations in alignment with other relevant organizational units, cross-functions and superordinated units.
  • Ensure knowledge transfer (guidelines, tools, etc.) to the assigned Locations and interface partners through proactive communication and lead of / participation in workshops.
  • (Strategic) Projects - Responsible for interdisciplinary project work to optimize processes.
  • Concepts - Design future-oriented, innovative concepts and implement the concepts to secure the success of the organization with a systematic and strategic approach.
  • Standardization - Design and implement standardized methods, processes and systems to optimize processes and work results.

What you can look forward to:

  • Office in Drásov, Prague or Brno.
  • Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Flexi-time working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Attractive financial package.
  • Wide range of benefits (5 weeks holiday, meal allowances, Cafeteria system up to 15.000 CZK yearly, pension insurance contribution 1.400 CZK/month, equity program, corporate holiday resort in Vysočina)...

Your profile:

  • Master’s degree in Business Administration or Engineering.
  • At least 3-5 years of professional experience in procurement controlling and/or strategic procuremen.
  • Deep knowledge of SCM CoRE, Anaplan, PUMA is an advantage.
  • Knowledge of implementing digitalization solutions (e.g Dash Boards).
  • Analytic mindset with success-orientated and creative solution finding.
  • Fluent language skills in English / German is a plus.

Can you help us drive our vision for the future? Do you like supplier management? Thenwe are looking for you! Become part of the manufacturing plants in Mohelnice and Frenštát p. Radhoštěm! The Head of Strategic Procurement for two production plants of low voltage motors located in Mohelnice and Frenštát p. Radhoštěm is a leadership role responsible for overseeing and executing procurement strategies aligned with organizational objectives. This role involves leading a team of procurement professionals, establishing vendor relationships, negotiating contracts, and optimizing procurement processes to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Head of Strategic Procurement plays a pivotal role in driving strategic decision-making related to sourcing, purchasing, and supplier management to support the organization's overall growth and success.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with factory and global management to develop long-term procurement strategies and initiatives.
  • Formulate and implement global procurement strategies in line with organizational goals and objectives.
  • Identify opportunities for cost savings, process improvement, and risk mitigation within the procurement function.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with key suppliers and vendors.
  • Negotiate contracts, terms, and pricing agreements to optimize value and mitigate risks.
  • Monitor supplier performance and address any issues or concerns in a timely manner.
  • Develop and manage of the procurement budget.
  • Monitor procurement expenditures and identify opportunities for cost reduction and savings.
  • Cooperation in auditing and resolving supplier ratings (quality assessment).
  • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and internal policies throughout the procurement process.
  • Lead and mentor a team of procurement professionals, fostering a collaborative and high-performance work environment.

What you can look forward to:

  • Opportunities for professional development and career advancement.
  • Dynamic and collaborative work environment.
  • Exciting projects, cooperation with leading specialists.
  • Friendly staff enthusiastic about electric motors.

Extra benefits:

  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself.
  • Various discounts and offers.
  • Competitive salary and business car.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Home office 2 days per week.
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card, various discounts and offers.

Your profile:

  • Proven track record in strategic procurement, sourcing and supplier management preferably in manufacturing organization demonstrated with leadership capabilities (at least 5 years).
  • Strong negotiation skills and ability to manage complex vendor relationships.
  • Fluency in English is a necessary.
  • The ability to use the Czech language is a great advantage .
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate cross-functionally and influence stakeholders at all levels of the organization.
  • High personal integrity, ability to decide and take responsibility.
  • Driver's license and readiness to travel (regular business trips to branch Frenštát p. Radhoštěm, Prague and Germany).

Can you help us drive our vision for the future? Do you like supplier management? Thenwe are looking for you! Become part of the manufacturing plants in Mohelnice and Frenštát p. Radhoštěm! The Head of Strategic Procurement for two production plants of low voltage motors located in Mohelnice and Frenštát p. Radhoštěm is a leadership role responsible for overseeing and executing procurement strategies aligned with organizational objectives. This role involves leading a team of procurement professionals, establishing vendor relationships, negotiating contracts, and optimizing procurement processes to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Head of Strategic Procurement plays a pivotal role in driving strategic decision-making related to sourcing, purchasing, and supplier management to support the organization's overall growth and success.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with factory and global management to develop long-term procurement strategies and initiatives.
  • Formulate and implement global procurement strategies in line with organizational goals and objectives.
  • Identify opportunities for cost savings, process improvement, and risk mitigation within the procurement function.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with key suppliers and vendors.
  • Negotiate contracts, terms, and pricing agreements to optimize value and mitigate risks.
  • Monitor supplier performance and address any issues or concerns in a timely manner.
  • Develop and manage of the procurement budget.
  • Monitor procurement expenditures and identify opportunities for cost reduction and savings.
  • Cooperation in auditing and resolving supplier ratings (quality assessment).
  • Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and internal policies throughout the procurement process.
  • Lead and mentor a team of procurement professionals, fostering a collaborative and high-performance work environment.

What you can look forward to:

  • Opportunities for professional development and career advancement.
  • Dynamic and collaborative work environment.
  • Exciting projects, cooperation with leading specialists.
  • Friendly staff enthusiastic about electric motors.

Extra benefits:

  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself.
  • Various discounts and offers.
  • Competitive salary and business car.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Home office 2 days per week.
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card, various discounts and offers.

Your profile:

  • Proven track record in strategic procurement, sourcing and supplier management preferably in manufacturing organization demonstrated with leadership capabilities (at least 5 years).
  • Strong negotiation skills and ability to manage complex vendor relationships.
  • Fluency in English is a necessary.
  • The ability to use the Czech language is a great advantage .
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate cross-functionally and influence stakeholders at all levels of the organization.
  • High personal integrity, ability to decide and take responsibility.
  • Driver's license and readiness to travel (regular business trips to branch Frenštát p. Radhoštěm, Prague and Germany).

In Information Technology we take care on digitalization of Innomotics processes. Before we write even a single line of code or customize the standard software product, we have to understand what drives our business. Only then we implement things on the technical side – trying, testing, and improving outcomes until a final solution emerges. We enjoy the freedom to think in completely new categories and to organize our own work. For us, knowledge means exchange – discussions with colleagues from all over the world. We feed our ideas into many sectors of the economy, thus creating the basis for innovative technical solutions. Join our team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will implement and drive the further development of Innomotics’s global SAP S/Hana system, being responsible for SAP basis topics as part of the global team, including the coordination activities for the rollouts across Innomotics’s sites and regions.
  • You will be responsible for SAP basis operations, Solman solution and their development. To this end, you will control the development, maintenance and roll-out of functionalities and interfaces.
  • You control and direct the development of an ERP architecture based on new technologies and trends, which requires strong alignment across different projects / programs.
  • You coordinate and drive all necessary upgrade and patching activities together with solution suppliers and consulting partners.
  • You define, create, and maintain software interfaces to other applications and ensure their availability.
  • You verify and validate concepts and specifications against requirements and standards.
  • The participation in the exchange of experience with other experts and the organization of the transfer of know-how within the global Innomotics organization also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, evoucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have multi-year experience in SAP basis operations, preferably already in S/4 Hana and software development.
  • Additional you already gained around 5 years of experience successfully working as SAP Basis expert in a global team.
  • You have advanced knowledge in modern SW development approaches, state of the art interface and cloud technologies.
  • Therefore, you are able to design technical realization concepts based on new technologies.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level English language skills round off your profile.

In Information Technology we take care on digitalization of Innomotics processes. Before we write even a single line of code or customize the standard software product, we have to understand what drives our business. Only then we implement things on the technical side – trying, testing, and improving outcomes until a final solution emerges. We enjoy the freedom to think in completely new categories and to organize our own work. For us, knowledge means exchange – discussions with colleagues from all over the world. We feed our ideas into many sectors of the economy, thus creating the basis for innovative technical solutions. Join our team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will implement and drive the further development of Innomotics’s global SAP S/Hana system, being responsible for SAP basis topics as part of the global team, including the coordination activities for the rollouts across Innomotics’s sites and regions.
  • You will be responsible for SAP basis operations, Solman solution and their development. To this end, you will control the development, maintenance and roll-out of functionalities and interfaces.
  • You control and direct the development of an ERP architecture based on new technologies and trends, which requires strong alignment across different projects / programs.
  • You coordinate and drive all necessary upgrade and patching activities together with solution suppliers and consulting partners.
  • You define, create, and maintain software interfaces to other applications and ensure their availability.
  • You verify and validate concepts and specifications against requirements and standards.
  • The participation in the exchange of experience with other experts and the organization of the transfer of know-how within the global Innomotics organization also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, evoucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have multi-year experience in SAP basis operations, preferably already in S/4 Hana and software development.
  • Additional you already gained around 5 years of experience successfully working as SAP Basis expert in a global team.
  • You have advanced knowledge in modern SW development approaches, state of the art interface and cloud technologies.
  • Therefore, you are able to design technical realization concepts based on new technologies.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level English language skills round off your profile.

In Information Technology we take care on digitalization of Innomotics processes. Before we write even a single line of code or customize the standard software product, we have to understand what drives our business. Only then we implement things on the technical side – trying, testing, and improving outcomes until a final solution emerges. We enjoy the freedom to think in completely new categories and to organize our own work. For us, knowledge means exchange – discussions with colleagues from all over the world. We feed our ideas into many sectors of the economy, thus creating the basis for innovative technical solutions. Join our team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will implement and drive the further development of Innomotics’s global SAP S/Hana system, being responsible for SAP basis topics as part of the global team, including the coordination activities for the rollouts across Innomotics’s sites and regions.
  • You will be responsible for SAP basis operations, Solman solution and their development. To this end, you will control the development, maintenance and roll-out of functionalities and interfaces.
  • You control and direct the development of an ERP architecture based on new technologies and trends, which requires strong alignment across different projects / programs.
  • You coordinate and drive all necessary upgrade and patching activities together with solution suppliers and consulting partners.
  • You define, create, and maintain software interfaces to other applications and ensure their availability.
  • You verify and validate concepts and specifications against requirements and standards.
  • The participation in the exchange of experience with other experts and the organization of the transfer of know-how within the global Innomotics organization also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, evoucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have multi-year experience in SAP basis operations, preferably already in S/4 Hana and software development.
  • Additional you already gained around 5 years of experience successfully working as SAP Basis expert in a global team.
  • You have advanced knowledge in modern SW development approaches, state of the art interface and cloud technologies.
  • Therefore, you are able to design technical realization concepts based on new technologies.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level English language skills round off your profile.

We are looking for a SAP FICO specialist. Join our ERP team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will drive the further development of Innomotics’s SAP systems (ECC, being fully responsible for FI and CO modules and respective interfaces.
  • You will be responsible for ensuring that the FI and CO functions can be used in accordance with the requirements. To this end, you will control the development, maintenance and roll-out of functionalities and interfaces.
  • You understand the Innomotics’s business processes in Finance and Controlling and its goals and develop the necessary solutions to ensure a fast response to new market requirements.
  • You advise, consult and support Innomotics’s departments, regions and factories in best usage and utilization of the system.
  • You verify and validate concepts and specifications against requirements and standards.
  • The participation in the exchange of experience with other experts and the organization of the transfer of know-how within the global Innomotics’s organization also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have experience with SAP FI and CO modules.
  • Additional you already gained several years of experience successfully working in projects.
  • You have knowledge in modern software development approaches.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level German and English language skills round off your profile.

We are looking for a SAP FICO specialist. Join our ERP team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will drive the further development of Innomotics’s SAP systems (ECC, being fully responsible for FI and CO modules and respective interfaces.
  • You will be responsible for ensuring that the FI and CO functions can be used in accordance with the requirements. To this end, you will control the development, maintenance and roll-out of functionalities and interfaces.
  • You understand the Innomotics’s business processes in Finance and Controlling and its goals and develop the necessary solutions to ensure a fast response to new market requirements.
  • You advise, consult and support Innomotics’s departments, regions and factories in best usage and utilization of the system.
  • You verify and validate concepts and specifications against requirements and standards.
  • The participation in the exchange of experience with other experts and the organization of the transfer of know-how within the global Innomotics’s organization also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have experience with SAP FI and CO modules.
  • Additional you already gained several years of experience successfully working in projects.
  • You have knowledge in modern software development approaches.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level German and English language skills round off your profile.

We are looking for a SAP FICO specialist. Join our ERP team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will drive the further development of Innomotics’s SAP systems (ECC, being fully responsible for FI and CO modules and respective interfaces.
  • You will be responsible for ensuring that the FI and CO functions can be used in accordance with the requirements. To this end, you will control the development, maintenance and roll-out of functionalities and interfaces.
  • You understand the Innomotics’s business processes in Finance and Controlling and its goals and develop the necessary solutions to ensure a fast response to new market requirements.
  • You advise, consult and support Innomotics’s departments, regions and factories in best usage and utilization of the system.
  • You verify and validate concepts and specifications against requirements and standards.
  • The participation in the exchange of experience with other experts and the organization of the transfer of know-how within the global Innomotics’s organization also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have experience with SAP FI and CO modules.
  • Additional you already gained several years of experience successfully working in projects.
  • You have knowledge in modern software development approaches.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level German and English language skills round off your profile.

We are looking for a SAP FICO User engagement specialist. Join our ERP team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will support he further development of Innomotics’s SAP systems (ECC, S/4 Hana) by sharing information to key users and coordinate key users’ involvement in HQ initiatives.
  • You will be responsible for ensuring that the FI and CO functions can be used in accordance with the requirements.
  • You understand the Innomotics’s business processes in Finance and Controlling and its goals.
  • You collect documentation from FI/ HR solutions and support users from different departments, regions, and factories in best usage of the documentation.
  • The organization and participation in the exchange of experience with SAP experts and the organization of the know-how sharing within the global Innomotics’s ERP team also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You have experience with SAP FI and CO modules as user.
  • Additional you have experience in successful support of projects in a company.
  • You have interest in modern technology.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level Czech and English language skills round off your profile. German language skills are welcome.

We are looking for a SAP FICO User engagement specialist. Join our ERP team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will support he further development of Innomotics’s SAP systems (ECC, S/4 Hana) by sharing information to key users and coordinate key users’ involvement in HQ initiatives.
  • You will be responsible for ensuring that the FI and CO functions can be used in accordance with the requirements.
  • You understand the Innomotics’s business processes in Finance and Controlling and its goals.
  • You collect documentation from FI/ HR solutions and support users from different departments, regions, and factories in best usage of the documentation.
  • The organization and participation in the exchange of experience with SAP experts and the organization of the know-how sharing within the global Innomotics’s ERP team also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You have experience with SAP FI and CO modules as user.
  • Additional you have experience in successful support of projects in a company.
  • You have interest in modern technology.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level Czech and English language skills round off your profile. German language skills are welcome.

We are looking for a SAP FICO User engagement specialist. Join our ERP team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career.

Your future responsibilities:

  • You will support he further development of Innomotics’s SAP systems (ECC, S/4 Hana) by sharing information to key users and coordinate key users’ involvement in HQ initiatives.
  • You will be responsible for ensuring that the FI and CO functions can be used in accordance with the requirements.
  • You understand the Innomotics’s business processes in Finance and Controlling and its goals.
  • You collect documentation from FI/ HR solutions and support users from different departments, regions, and factories in best usage of the documentation.
  • The organization and participation in the exchange of experience with SAP experts and the organization of the know-how sharing within the global Innomotics’s ERP team also belongs to your new area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Daily use of the English language.
  • Motivational salary, company computer and phone.
  • Flexible working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You have experience with SAP FI and CO modules as user.
  • Additional you have experience in successful support of projects in a company.
  • You have interest in modern technology.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level Czech and English language skills round off your profile. German language skills are welcome.

with us. Will you join us?

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Introduction of Lean at chosen suppliers and optimization of supplier's operations by application of E2E Lean Methodology for Manufacturing, Logistics and on Company level at supplier
  • Self-initiated identification of improvement potentials and proposal of supplier candidates to supplied businesses incl. alignment on next steps
  • Early involving and coordinating project-related cross-functions of Innomotics to ensure project success
  • Lead of Lean Projects at supplier and mentoring Innomotics' and supplier's lean teams
  • Responsible for the complete project and change management from
  • Setting up projects incl. successful Supplier Buy-in
  • Onsite evaluation of supplier and identification/ realization of optimization measures
  • Accompanying, guiding and coaching the supplier during his lean transformation phase (on- and offsite work)
  • Regular reporting of supplier progresses and improvement results to joint SteerCos, Heads of GVP and Segments and to the Top Management of Innomotics
  • Ensuring of reaching agreed targets (e.g. introduction of lean, reduction of lead time, productivity increases, increases in flexibility, ….) and continuous follow-up with supplier
  • Being 1st contact for our cross-functions like segment/ factory management (CEO, CFO, operations, procurement, logistics, quality, R&D) for lean optimization of suppliers
  • Continuous benchmarking and improvement of our Innomotics Lean@Suppliers Program to be best-in-class
  • Ready for supplier visits globally

Další benefity:

  • competitive salary
  • annual bonus
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
  • home office 2 to 3 days per week
  • e-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers
  • possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice, Brno, Praha, Ostrava

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Bachelor´s degree or Master´s degree in Supply Chain, Operations Management, Industrial Engineering, or equivalent experience as Masters or Technician
  • 7-10+ years’ manufacturing expertise including Lean Manufacturing in mechanical and electro-mechanical productions, further experiences in electronics productions appreciated
  • You are a passionate lean practitioner based on a sound theoretical knowledge equivalent to Senior Lean Expert, Experience in Lean Admin/ Business appreciated
  • Several years of experience in project and change management as well as supplier development projects, incl. regular reporting to Top Management
  • International/ Intercultural working experience, English fluently and German language appreciated

of engineering experience. Today, we are changing the definition of reliable performance - from standard products to the highest efficiency electric

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Introduction of Lean at chosen suppliers and optimization of supplier's operations by application of E2E Lean Methodology for Manufacturing, Logistics and on Company level at supplier
  • Self-initiated identification of improvement potentials and proposal of supplier candidates to supplied businesses incl. alignment on next steps
  • Early involving and coordinating project-related cross-functions of Innomotics to ensure project success
  • Lead of Lean Projects at supplier and mentoring Innomotics' and supplier's lean teams
  • Responsible for the complete project and change management from
  • Setting up projects incl. successful Supplier Buy-in
  • Onsite evaluation of supplier and identification/ realization of optimization measures
  • Accompanying, guiding and coaching the supplier during his lean transformation phase (on- and offsite work)
  • Regular reporting of supplier progresses and improvement results to joint SteerCos, Heads of GVP and Segments and to the Top Management of Innomotics
  • Ensuring of reaching agreed targets (e.g. introduction of lean, reduction of lead time, productivity increases, increases in flexibility, ….) and continuous follow-up with supplier
  • Being 1st contact for our cross-functions like segment/ factory management (CEO, CFO, operations, procurement, logistics, quality, R&D) for lean optimization of suppliers
  • Continuous benchmarking and improvement of our Innomotics Lean@Suppliers Program to be best-in-class
  • Ready for supplier visits globally

Další benefity:

  • competitive salary
  • annual bonus
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
  • home office 2 to 3 days per week
  • e-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers
  • possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice, Brno, Praha, Ostrava

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Bachelor´s degree or Master´s degree in Supply Chain, Operations Management, Industrial Engineering, or equivalent experience as Masters or Technician
  • 7-10+ years’ manufacturing expertise including Lean Manufacturing in mechanical and electro-mechanical productions, further experiences in electronics productions appreciated
  • You are a passionate lean practitioner based on a sound theoretical knowledge equivalent to Senior Lean Expert, Experience in Lean Admin/ Business appreciated
  • Several years of experience in project and change management as well as supplier development projects, incl. regular reporting to Top Management
  • International/ Intercultural working experience, English fluently and German language appreciated

motors; from simple on/off, to everything smart in between. Our most powerful motor? The 15,000 experts, colleagues who make the world go round

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Introduction of Lean at chosen suppliers and optimization of supplier's operations by application of E2E Lean Methodology for Manufacturing, Logistics and on Company level at supplier
  • Self-initiated identification of improvement potentials and proposal of supplier candidates to supplied businesses incl. alignment on next steps
  • Early involving and coordinating project-related cross-functions of Innomotics to ensure project success
  • Lead of Lean Projects at supplier and mentoring Innomotics' and supplier's lean teams
  • Responsible for the complete project and change management from
  • Setting up projects incl. successful Supplier Buy-in
  • Onsite evaluation of supplier and identification/ realization of optimization measures
  • Accompanying, guiding and coaching the supplier during his lean transformation phase (on- and offsite work)
  • Regular reporting of supplier progresses and improvement results to joint SteerCos, Heads of GVP and Segments and to the Top Management of Innomotics
  • Ensuring of reaching agreed targets (e.g. introduction of lean, reduction of lead time, productivity increases, increases in flexibility, ….) and continuous follow-up with supplier
  • Being 1st contact for our cross-functions like segment/ factory management (CEO, CFO, operations, procurement, logistics, quality, R&D) for lean optimization of suppliers
  • Continuous benchmarking and improvement of our Innomotics Lean@Suppliers Program to be best-in-class
  • Ready for supplier visits globally

Další benefity:

  • competitive salary
  • annual bonus
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
  • home office 2 to 3 days per week
  • e-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers
  • possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice, Brno, Praha, Ostrava

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Bachelor´s degree or Master´s degree in Supply Chain, Operations Management, Industrial Engineering, or equivalent experience as Masters or Technician
  • 7-10+ years’ manufacturing expertise including Lean Manufacturing in mechanical and electro-mechanical productions, further experiences in electronics productions appreciated
  • You are a passionate lean practitioner based on a sound theoretical knowledge equivalent to Senior Lean Expert, Experience in Lean Admin/ Business appreciated
  • Several years of experience in project and change management as well as supplier development projects, incl. regular reporting to Top Management
  • International/ Intercultural working experience, English fluently and German language appreciated

You are part of our Global Value Procurement team and responsible for driving optimization of operations of chosen Innomotics suppliers by applying lean methodology. Within a small Innomotics team, you are expected to self-initiate supplier improvement projects and to plan, to prepare and to lead lean projects onsite at supplier to sustainably reduce lead times, to identify wastes and to increase overall productivity of the supplier. You are well experienced to apply necessary lean methods like Value Stream Mapping, 5S, Kaizen, SMED, TPM/OEE, Kata, Bottleneck Analysis and others even at suppliers with no lean experience and/ or in challenging supply situations. You are used to communicating well at all levels and thus speak the language of the shopfloor just as well as that of management. You will frequently report progress and concrete improvement results to your project Steer Co's incl. Top Management of supplier as well as to the Heads of GVP and Segments and to the Top Management of Innomotics. In this role, you are expected to travel to our suppliers globally (~40% of time).

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Introduction of Lean at chosen suppliers and optimization of supplier's operations by application of E2E Lean Methodology for Manufacturing, Logistics and on Company level at supplier
  • Self-initiated identification of improvement potentials and proposal of supplier candidates to supplied businesses incl. alignment on next steps
  • Early involving and coordinating project-related cross-functions of Innomotics to ensure project success
  • Lead of Lean Projects at supplier and mentoring Innomotics' and supplier's lean teams
  • Responsible for the complete project and change management from
  • Setting up projects incl. successful Supplier Buy-in
  • Onsite evaluation of supplier and identification/ realization of optimization measures
  • Accompanying, guiding and coaching the supplier during his lean transformation phase (on- and offsite work)
  • Regular reporting of supplier progresses and improvement results to joint SteerCos, Heads of GVP and Segments and to the Top Management of Innomotics
  • Ensuring of reaching agreed targets (e.g. introduction of lean, reduction of lead time, productivity increases, increases in flexibility, ….) and continuous follow-up with supplier
  • Being 1st contact for our cross-functions like segment/ factory management (CEO, CFO, operations, procurement, logistics, quality, R&D) for lean optimization of suppliers
  • Continuous benchmarking and improvement of our Innomotics Lean@Suppliers Program to be best-in-class
  • Ready for supplier visits globally

Další benefity:

  • competitive salary
  • annual bonus
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself and your family
  • home office 2 to 3 days per week
  • e-voucher card - for meal vouchers
  • broad range of wellbeing offerings - annual cafeteria budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, etc.), various discounts and offers
  • possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice, Brno, Praha, Ostrava

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Bachelor´s degree or Master´s degree in Supply Chain, Operations Management, Industrial Engineering, or equivalent experience as Masters or Technician
  • 7-10+ years’ manufacturing expertise including Lean Manufacturing in mechanical and electro-mechanical productions, further experiences in electronics productions appreciated
  • You are a passionate lean practitioner based on a sound theoretical knowledge equivalent to Senior Lean Expert, Experience in Lean Admin/ Business appreciated
  • Several years of experience in project and change management as well as supplier development projects, incl. regular reporting to Top Management
  • International/ Intercultural working experience, English fluently and German language appreciated

Rádi pracujte v úzkém kontaktu se svými kolegy a chcete se učit a zdokonalovat v oblasti marketingu ? Pojďte k nám a staňte se členem našeho týmu! Aktuálně hledáme nového kolegu/kolegyni, který/á bude mít na starost oblast marketingu - od přípravy grafických podkladů až po správu marketingových kampaní a sociálních sítí.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • podpora Partnera pro korporátní komunikace
  • pomoc při zajištění interní komunikace
  • spolupráce na přípravě lokálních tiskových zpráv
  • pomoc s přípravou marketingových kampaní
  • účast na přípravě interních a externích eventů
  • zajištění brandových a rebrandových aktivit
  • spolupráce na globálních marketingových projektech
  • marketingová podpora obchodního a dalších týmů
  • plnění dalších operativních úkolů útvaru Komunikace & Marketingu

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • dlouhodobou spolupráci formou DPČ (dle domluvy, max 20 hod./týden)
  • flexibilní pracovní dobu s možností občasné práce z domova
  • příspěvek na stravování ve formě stravenek Benefit Plus
  • pracoviště v Drásově u Brna

Měl/a byste mít:

  • hledáme pečlivého, kreativního a komunikativního kolegu/kolegyni s citem pro detail, schopného samostatně plnit zadané úkoly
  • nadšence s chutí učit se novým věcem
  • kreativitu, soběstačnost a drive
  • pokročilou znalost aplikací Microsoft Office, především Microsoft PowerPoint a Microsoft Word
  • výbornou znalost češtiny, dobrou znalost angličtiny
  • oceníme studium marketingu/PR

We are looking for a self-starter with a digital, innovative and growth mindset who is ready to actively drive and shape our future company’s culture. We offer an environment full of opportunities to take on responsibility and to develop both personally and professionally. We value the diversity of our people because we know that innovation thrives when it is fueled by a variety of perspectives, skills, backgrounds, and experiences. For us, nobody is perfect, but a team can be. #TeamInnomotics. Become part of our global digital business team.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Align processes and data management practices across Procurement with cybersecurity standards and best practices.
  • Integrate cybersecurity measures seamlessly into existing Procurement processes
  • Incorporate cybersecurity measures into Procurement operations and processes.
  • Ensure all Procurement processes are compliant with cybersecurity standards and regulations.
  • Facilitate discussions and alignment of process topics within Procurement and with Cybersecurity (CYS) teams.
  • Challenge RACI Matrix and Procurement roles and responsibilities to ensure efficiency and security.
  • Collaborate closely with Cybersecurity Risk Management to assess and mitigate supplier risks.
  • Ensure adherence to cybersecurity standards in supplier contracts.
  • Stay updated with new cybersecurity regulations and laws (e.g., NIS2, CRA) and inform Procurement organization accordingly.
  • Check all CYS regulations and assess their impact on Procurement processes.
  • Conduct regular trainings on cybersecurity topics for Procurement and our external partners.
  • Drive communication of cybersecurity topics within Procurement and to our suppliers.
  • Ensure competency and guidance on cybersecurity tools landscape within Procurement.
  • Drive automation in the Procurement IT environment.
  • Support SCM and Procurement in updating old contracts to include cybersecurity clauses.
  • Ensure transparency and compliance with cybersecurity requirements in all contracts.

Your profile:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Supply Chain Management, or related field.
  • Proven experience in procurement, with a focus on Cybersecurity.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to make data-driven decisions.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Solid project management skills
  • Ability to adapt to a dynamic environment and lead change management efforts.
  • Excellent English-skills, both spoken and written, round up your profile, German-skills would be an advantage.

We are looking for a self-starter with a digital, innovative and growth mindset who is ready to actively drive and shape our future company’s culture. We offer an environment full of opportunities to take on responsibility and to develop both personally and professionally. We value the diversity of our people because we know that innovation thrives when it is fueled by a variety of perspectives, skills, backgrounds, and experiences. For us, nobody is perfect, but a team can be. #TeamInnomotics. Become part of our global digital business team.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Align processes and data management practices across Procurement with cybersecurity standards and best practices.
  • Integrate cybersecurity measures seamlessly into existing Procurement processes
  • Incorporate cybersecurity measures into Procurement operations and processes.
  • Ensure all Procurement processes are compliant with cybersecurity standards and regulations.
  • Facilitate discussions and alignment of process topics within Procurement and with Cybersecurity (CYS) teams.
  • Challenge RACI Matrix and Procurement roles and responsibilities to ensure efficiency and security.
  • Collaborate closely with Cybersecurity Risk Management to assess and mitigate supplier risks.
  • Ensure adherence to cybersecurity standards in supplier contracts.
  • Stay updated with new cybersecurity regulations and laws (e.g., NIS2, CRA) and inform Procurement organization accordingly.
  • Check all CYS regulations and assess their impact on Procurement processes.
  • Conduct regular trainings on cybersecurity topics for Procurement and our external partners.
  • Drive communication of cybersecurity topics within Procurement and to our suppliers.
  • Ensure competency and guidance on cybersecurity tools landscape within Procurement.
  • Drive automation in the Procurement IT environment.
  • Support SCM and Procurement in updating old contracts to include cybersecurity clauses.
  • Ensure transparency and compliance with cybersecurity requirements in all contracts.

Your profile:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Supply Chain Management, or related field.
  • Proven experience in procurement, with a focus on Cybersecurity.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to make data-driven decisions.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Solid project management skills
  • Ability to adapt to a dynamic environment and lead change management efforts.
  • Excellent English-skills, both spoken and written, round up your profile, German-skills would be an advantage.

We are looking for a self-starter with a digital, innovative and growth mindset who is ready to actively drive and shape our future company’s culture. We offer an environment full of opportunities to take on responsibility and to develop both personally and professionally. We value the diversity of our people because we know that innovation thrives when it is fueled by a variety of perspectives, skills, backgrounds, and experiences. For us, nobody is perfect, but a team can be. #TeamInnomotics. Become part of our global digital business team.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Align processes and data management practices across Procurement with cybersecurity standards and best practices.
  • Integrate cybersecurity measures seamlessly into existing Procurement processes
  • Incorporate cybersecurity measures into Procurement operations and processes.
  • Ensure all Procurement processes are compliant with cybersecurity standards and regulations.
  • Facilitate discussions and alignment of process topics within Procurement and with Cybersecurity (CYS) teams.
  • Challenge RACI Matrix and Procurement roles and responsibilities to ensure efficiency and security.
  • Collaborate closely with Cybersecurity Risk Management to assess and mitigate supplier risks.
  • Ensure adherence to cybersecurity standards in supplier contracts.
  • Stay updated with new cybersecurity regulations and laws (e.g., NIS2, CRA) and inform Procurement organization accordingly.
  • Check all CYS regulations and assess their impact on Procurement processes.
  • Conduct regular trainings on cybersecurity topics for Procurement and our external partners.
  • Drive communication of cybersecurity topics within Procurement and to our suppliers.
  • Ensure competency and guidance on cybersecurity tools landscape within Procurement.
  • Drive automation in the Procurement IT environment.
  • Support SCM and Procurement in updating old contracts to include cybersecurity clauses.
  • Ensure transparency and compliance with cybersecurity requirements in all contracts.

Your profile:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Supply Chain Management, or related field.
  • Proven experience in procurement, with a focus on Cybersecurity.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to make data-driven decisions.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Solid project management skills
  • Ability to adapt to a dynamic environment and lead change management efforts.
  • Excellent English-skills, both spoken and written, round up your profile, German-skills would be an advantage.

We are looking for a self-starter with a digital, innovative and growth mindset who is ready to actively drive and shape our future company’s culture. We offer an environment full of opportunities to take on responsibility and to develop both personally and professionally. We value the diversity of our people because we know that innovation thrives when it is fueled by a variety of perspectives, skills, backgrounds, and experiences. For us, nobody is perfect, but a team can be. #TeamInnomotics. Become part of our global digital business team.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Align processes and data management practices across Procurement with cybersecurity standards and best practices.
  • Integrate cybersecurity measures seamlessly into existing Procurement processes
  • Incorporate cybersecurity measures into Procurement operations and processes.
  • Ensure all Procurement processes are compliant with cybersecurity standards and regulations.
  • Facilitate discussions and alignment of process topics within Procurement and with Cybersecurity (CYS) teams.
  • Challenge RACI Matrix and Procurement roles and responsibilities to ensure efficiency and security.
  • Collaborate closely with Cybersecurity Risk Management to assess and mitigate supplier risks.
  • Ensure adherence to cybersecurity standards in supplier contracts.
  • Stay updated with new cybersecurity regulations and laws (e.g., NIS2, CRA) and inform Procurement organization accordingly.
  • Check all CYS regulations and assess their impact on Procurement processes.
  • Conduct regular trainings on cybersecurity topics for Procurement and our external partners.
  • Drive communication of cybersecurity topics within Procurement and to our suppliers.
  • Ensure competency and guidance on cybersecurity tools landscape within Procurement.
  • Drive automation in the Procurement IT environment.
  • Support SCM and Procurement in updating old contracts to include cybersecurity clauses.
  • Ensure transparency and compliance with cybersecurity requirements in all contracts.

Your profile:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Supply Chain Management, or related field.
  • Proven experience in procurement, with a focus on Cybersecurity.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to make data-driven decisions.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Solid project management skills
  • Ability to adapt to a dynamic environment and lead change management efforts.
  • Excellent English-skills, both spoken and written, round up your profile, German-skills would be an advantage.

Studuješ vysokou školu? Zajímáš se o firemní procesy? Baví Tě sebezdokonalování a posouvání vlastních možností? Chceš získat cenné zkušenosti z oblasti průmyslového inženýrství a procesního managementu a dostat za to zaplaceno? Jsme tým Business Excellence výrobního závodu Innomotics v Drásově zavádějící nové a zdokonalující stávající interní procesy. Připoj se do naší studentské kanceláře v IN prostředí!

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • Spolupráci formou DPČ.
  • Možnost zpracování závěrečných prací.
  • Pracovní dobu si plánuješ dle svých možností.
  • Dobré finanční ohodnocení s možností navýšení, pokud nám to bude klapat.
  • Práce na zajímavých projektech (implementace nástrojů neustálého zlepšování, mapování procesů, snímkování pracovišť, vytváření analýz z výrobních dat, práce s Power BI a spoustu dalšího).
  • Přátelský kolektiv v příjemném pracovním prostředí.
  • Místo výkonu práce: Drásov u Brna.

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Jsi student VŠ, ideálně zaměření na procesy.
  • Samostatnost, pečlivost, logické uvažování, spolehlivost.
  • Výhodou je znalost anglického jazyka na komunikativní úrovni.
  • Máš týmového ducha.

Zajímá vás oblast nákupu a chcete se dál rozvíjet a profesně růst? Chcete být součástí prosperující mezinárodní společnosti? Pak hledáme právě vás!

Budete se věnovat především:

  • administrativní činnost související s vystavováním a správou objednávek v oblasti nepřímého materiálu a služeb
  • usilování o zlepšování nákupních procesů
  • komunikaci s dodavateli z ČR a zahraničí
  • komunikaci s kolegy uvnitř organizace
  • zpracování ad hoc požadavků

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • přátelský kolektiv
  • využití jazykových schopností
  • flexibilitu v pracovní době a možnost home office 2x týdně

Další benefity:

  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • roční příspěvek na volnočasové aktivity, kulturu, sport a penzijní či životní připojištění v rámci nabídky Benefit Plus
  • závodní jídelna v areálu firmy, příspěvek na stravování
  • zvýhodněné nabídky pro zaměstnance
  • MultiSport karta
  • odměny za dlouhodobý pracovní výkon až 40.000 Kč
  • společenské a kulturní akce a další

Měl/a byste mít:

  • min. SŠ vzdělání ekonomického zaměření
  • schopnost pracovat soustředěně, vědomě a vytrvale na svém úkolu
  • znalost MS Office
  • organizační a komunikační schopnosti
  • spolehlivost, pečlivost, zodpovědnost, samostatnost, schopnost týmové práce
  • výhodou: znalost SAP, znalost anglického jazyka, zkušenosti v oblasti nákupu nebo administrativy

With a trusted legacy of more than 150 years of engineering expertise, we are and have always been the backbone of reliable motion for industries and infrastructure worldwide. Now, we're about to take this to the next level. It’s time for a new brand. It’s time for a powerful team. It’s time for us – for Innomotics (A Siemens Business). Redefining reliable motion for a better tomorrow. Together. Our forward-thinking range of motors, drives, systems, services, and solutions supports the vital industries at the very heart of entire economies. We serve almost all industries, from chemicals, oil & gas to utilities, from fiber to automotive and marine, from water to waste water. Customers trust our portfolio for industrial applications to help them scale up efficiency, electrification, sustainability, and digitalization while reducing their carbon footprint.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Responsible for developing and implementing a Regional Commodity Strategy for logistics services in alignment with requirements from the Global Category Strategy for logistics services ensuring productivity and cost-effective services and driving the following objectives:
  • Develop and implement a regional Commodity Strategy for logistics services and warehousing
  • Lead regional supplier selection in cooperation with cross functional teams as well as support the integration of new suppliers into development projects
  • Investigate and recommend new and/or alternative regional logistics service suppliers
  • Utilize Advanced Negotiation processes where appropriate to test pricing in the regional supplier market and establish best cost contracts (Total cost of ownership)
  • Optimize costs while meeting regional logistics specifications/requirements
  • Interact with numerous functions within the organization that includes (6) six European manufacturing plants
  • Contract regional suppliers to provide Innomotics with cost-optimized logistics services, drive regional price negotiations for assigned suppliers including escalation management in alignment with the Global Category Manager Logistics
  • You strive for best-in-class transparency regarding KPIs and persistently work towards achievement of the given targets
  • You will closely cooperate with other functions within and outside of Procurement to reach the best results for the business and to reach the overall business targets
  • You will contribute to global strategic logistics responsibilities and tasks, such as Escalations, Digitalization etc.
  • Establish regional Supplier Development processes including the coordination and support on-site supplier assessment / certification audits and continuous improvement activities that drive down total cost. Conduct, document and follow-up of business reviews, risk management and supplier evaluations including action plans

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Competitive salary Annual bonus
  • Flexible working hours and 2 days working from home
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Brno (preferable), Mohelnice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Ostrava, Drásov, Praha

Your profile:

  • You have completed a university degree in a relevant field (e.g. Economics, (industrial) Engineering, Logistics)
  • You have gained long-term relevant working experience in Procurement and Logistics Services or Transport / Logistics Operations
  • You can demonstrate a successful track record in defining and implementing improvement measures You are a team player and like to coordinate diverse teams
  • You are good at listening, analyzing, presenting and persuading and you are a self-driven and target oriented person
  • You have gained intercultural experiences in your previous assignments
  • You enjoy negotiations and achieving challenging targets
  • You are fluent in English and Czech (German is a plus)

With a trusted legacy of more than 150 years of engineering expertise, we are and have always been the backbone of reliable motion for industries and infrastructure worldwide. Now, we're about to take this to the next level. It’s time for a new brand. It’s time for a powerful team. It’s time for us – for Innomotics (A Siemens Business). Redefining reliable motion for a better tomorrow. Together. Our forward-thinking range of motors, drives, systems, services, and solutions supports the vital industries at the very heart of entire economies. We serve almost all industries, from chemicals, oil & gas to utilities, from fiber to automotive and marine, from water to waste water. Customers trust our portfolio for industrial applications to help them scale up efficiency, electrification, sustainability, and digitalization while reducing their carbon footprint.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Responsible for developing and implementing a Regional Commodity Strategy for logistics services in alignment with requirements from the Global Category Strategy for logistics services ensuring productivity and cost-effective services and driving the following objectives:
  • Develop and implement a regional Commodity Strategy for logistics services and warehousing
  • Lead regional supplier selection in cooperation with cross functional teams as well as support the integration of new suppliers into development projects
  • Investigate and recommend new and/or alternative regional logistics service suppliers
  • Utilize Advanced Negotiation processes where appropriate to test pricing in the regional supplier market and establish best cost contracts (Total cost of ownership)
  • Optimize costs while meeting regional logistics specifications/requirements
  • Interact with numerous functions within the organization that includes (6) six European manufacturing plants
  • Contract regional suppliers to provide Innomotics with cost-optimized logistics services, drive regional price negotiations for assigned suppliers including escalation management in alignment with the Global Category Manager Logistics
  • You strive for best-in-class transparency regarding KPIs and persistently work towards achievement of the given targets
  • You will closely cooperate with other functions within and outside of Procurement to reach the best results for the business and to reach the overall business targets
  • You will contribute to global strategic logistics responsibilities and tasks, such as Escalations, Digitalization etc.
  • Establish regional Supplier Development processes including the coordination and support on-site supplier assessment / certification audits and continuous improvement activities that drive down total cost. Conduct, document and follow-up of business reviews, risk management and supplier evaluations including action plans

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Competitive salary Annual bonus
  • Flexible working hours and 2 days working from home
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Brno (preferable), Mohelnice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Ostrava, Drásov, Praha

Your profile:

  • You have completed a university degree in a relevant field (e.g. Economics, (industrial) Engineering, Logistics)
  • You have gained long-term relevant working experience in Procurement and Logistics Services or Transport / Logistics Operations
  • You can demonstrate a successful track record in defining and implementing improvement measures You are a team player and like to coordinate diverse teams
  • You are good at listening, analyzing, presenting and persuading and you are a self-driven and target oriented person
  • You have gained intercultural experiences in your previous assignments
  • You enjoy negotiations and achieving challenging targets
  • You are fluent in English and Czech (German is a plus)

With a trusted legacy of more than 150 years of engineering expertise, we are and have always been the backbone of reliable motion for industries and infrastructure worldwide. Now, we're about to take this to the next level. It’s time for a new brand. It’s time for a powerful team. It’s time for us – for Innomotics (A Siemens Business). Redefining reliable motion for a better tomorrow. Together. Our forward-thinking range of motors, drives, systems, services, and solutions supports the vital industries at the very heart of entire economies. We serve almost all industries, from chemicals, oil & gas to utilities, from fiber to automotive and marine, from water to waste water. Customers trust our portfolio for industrial applications to help them scale up efficiency, electrification, sustainability, and digitalization while reducing their carbon footprint.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Responsible for developing and implementing a Regional Commodity Strategy for logistics services in alignment with requirements from the Global Category Strategy for logistics services ensuring productivity and cost-effective services and driving the following objectives:
  • Develop and implement a regional Commodity Strategy for logistics services and warehousing
  • Lead regional supplier selection in cooperation with cross functional teams as well as support the integration of new suppliers into development projects
  • Investigate and recommend new and/or alternative regional logistics service suppliers
  • Utilize Advanced Negotiation processes where appropriate to test pricing in the regional supplier market and establish best cost contracts (Total cost of ownership)
  • Optimize costs while meeting regional logistics specifications/requirements
  • Interact with numerous functions within the organization that includes (6) six European manufacturing plants
  • Contract regional suppliers to provide Innomotics with cost-optimized logistics services, drive regional price negotiations for assigned suppliers including escalation management in alignment with the Global Category Manager Logistics
  • You strive for best-in-class transparency regarding KPIs and persistently work towards achievement of the given targets
  • You will closely cooperate with other functions within and outside of Procurement to reach the best results for the business and to reach the overall business targets
  • You will contribute to global strategic logistics responsibilities and tasks, such as Escalations, Digitalization etc.
  • Establish regional Supplier Development processes including the coordination and support on-site supplier assessment / certification audits and continuous improvement activities that drive down total cost. Conduct, document and follow-up of business reviews, risk management and supplier evaluations including action plans

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Competitive salary Annual bonus
  • Flexible working hours and 2 days working from home
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Brno (preferable), Mohelnice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Ostrava, Drásov, Praha

Your profile:

  • You have completed a university degree in a relevant field (e.g. Economics, (industrial) Engineering, Logistics)
  • You have gained long-term relevant working experience in Procurement and Logistics Services or Transport / Logistics Operations
  • You can demonstrate a successful track record in defining and implementing improvement measures You are a team player and like to coordinate diverse teams
  • You are good at listening, analyzing, presenting and persuading and you are a self-driven and target oriented person
  • You have gained intercultural experiences in your previous assignments
  • You enjoy negotiations and achieving challenging targets
  • You are fluent in English and Czech (German is a plus)

With a trusted legacy of more than 150 years of engineering expertise, we are and have always been the backbone of reliable motion for industries and infrastructure worldwide. Now, we're about to take this to the next level. It’s time for a new brand. It’s time for a powerful team. It’s time for us – for Innomotics (A Siemens Business). Redefining reliable motion for a better tomorrow. Together. Our forward-thinking range of motors, drives, systems, services, and solutions supports the vital industries at the very heart of entire economies. We serve almost all industries, from chemicals, oil & gas to utilities, from fiber to automotive and marine, from water to waste water. Customers trust our portfolio for industrial applications to help them scale up efficiency, electrification, sustainability, and digitalization while reducing their carbon footprint.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Responsible for developing and implementing a Regional Commodity Strategy for logistics services in alignment with requirements from the Global Category Strategy for logistics services ensuring productivity and cost-effective services and driving the following objectives:
  • Develop and implement a regional Commodity Strategy for logistics services and warehousing
  • Lead regional supplier selection in cooperation with cross functional teams as well as support the integration of new suppliers into development projects
  • Investigate and recommend new and/or alternative regional logistics service suppliers
  • Utilize Advanced Negotiation processes where appropriate to test pricing in the regional supplier market and establish best cost contracts (Total cost of ownership)
  • Optimize costs while meeting regional logistics specifications/requirements
  • Interact with numerous functions within the organization that includes (6) six European manufacturing plants
  • Contract regional suppliers to provide Innomotics with cost-optimized logistics services, drive regional price negotiations for assigned suppliers including escalation management in alignment with the Global Category Manager Logistics
  • You strive for best-in-class transparency regarding KPIs and persistently work towards achievement of the given targets
  • You will closely cooperate with other functions within and outside of Procurement to reach the best results for the business and to reach the overall business targets
  • You will contribute to global strategic logistics responsibilities and tasks, such as Escalations, Digitalization etc.
  • Establish regional Supplier Development processes including the coordination and support on-site supplier assessment / certification audits and continuous improvement activities that drive down total cost. Conduct, document and follow-up of business reviews, risk management and supplier evaluations including action plans

What you can look forward to:

  • Long-term cooperation
  • Diverse work in an international environment
  • Responsibility and the opportunity to influence and change
  • Competitive salary Annual bonus
  • Flexible working hours and 2 days working from home
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more
  • Possible place of work: Brno (preferable), Mohelnice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Ostrava, Drásov, Praha

Your profile:

  • You have completed a university degree in a relevant field (e.g. Economics, (industrial) Engineering, Logistics)
  • You have gained long-term relevant working experience in Procurement and Logistics Services or Transport / Logistics Operations
  • You can demonstrate a successful track record in defining and implementing improvement measures You are a team player and like to coordinate diverse teams
  • You are good at listening, analyzing, presenting and persuading and you are a self-driven and target oriented person
  • You have gained intercultural experiences in your previous assignments
  • You enjoy negotiations and achieving challenging targets
  • You are fluent in English and Czech (German is a plus)

Sales Excellence - the opportunity to influence and shape business decisions by providing meaningful insights derived from data analysis! We are looking for someone to join to our team for long-term part-time (DPČ) cooperation. Position is suitable e.g. for university student.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Assisting with data collection, cleaning, and analysis.
  • Supporting data entry and maintenance of Dashboards in Power BI / Qlick Sense.
  • Generate reports and insights from data.
  • Contributing to the development and improvement of data accuracy.
  • Providing insights and recommendations based on data analysis.

What you can look forward to:

  • Being part of highly motivated and friendly team.
  • Working for a market of low voltage motors, with focus on automation and digitalization in the process and manufacturing industries.
  • Use of English on daily basis and international atmosphere in our Prague office.

Your profile:

  • Fluent English.
  • Advanced MS Excel.
  • Familiarity with data visualization tools such as Power BI, Qlick Sense is an advantage, but is no a requirement, we can teach you that.
  • Working with large data sets and data analyses is comfortable for you.
  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy in data entry.

In Information Technology we take care on digitalization of Innomotics processes. Before we write even a single line of code or customize the standard software product, we have to understand what drives our business. Only then we implement things on the technical side – trying, testing, and improving outcomes until a final solution emerges. We enjoy the freedom to think in completely new categories and to organize our own work. For us, knowledge means exchange – discussions with colleagues from all over the world. We feed our ideas into many sectors of the economy, thus creating the basis for innovative technical solutions. Join our team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career. This position is intended for all candidates with knowledge of the MD-module and PP-module who want to further develop within these areas.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Exclusively to the internal customer – Innomotics.
  • Programming within the MD module with an overlap into the PP.
  • Programming in SAP ABAP environment and in BTP platform.
  • Material Master Data:
  • - understanding the structure and components of the Material Master data in SAP is fundamental. This includes knowledge of material types, views, and organizational levels. Familiarity with fields such as material description, unit of measure, valuation class, and storage location is necessary.
  • Variant Configuration:
  • - sales and distribution (SD) module processes related to variant configuration,
  • - product modeling: characteristics, classes, and dependencies,
  • - variant configuration profiles and configuration procedures,
  • - integration with Material Master data,
  • - business processes such as sales order configuration, production planning, and order fulfillment.
  • PDR (Product Development and Realization)
  • - functionality which allows Variant Configurator users to move entire VC models from one system to another ...
  • ALE (Application Link Enabling):
  • - technology used in SAP to transfer master and transactional data between different Logical Systems.
  • Exclusively to the internal customer – Innomotics.

What you can look forward to:

  • Active participation in migration from SAP ECC to S4/HANA.
  • An international team of programmers and experts.
  • Varied work and interesting projects, cooperation with top experts and their mentoring.
  • Digitization and automation of production plant processes Innomotics.
  • Participation in the development and administration of the company's central SAP systems of Innomotics.
  • Work-life balance (flexible working hours and possibility of home office).
  • Work in a friendly, open and informal team
  • Emuneration independent of utilization, but on realistic internal goals.
  • Development with an emphasis on quality and reliability.
  • Possibility of using and developing foreign languages within a multinational company.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have long-term experience in SAP MD and SAP PP, preferably already in S/4 Hana in cloud.
  • We welcome advanced knowledge in modern SW development approaches, state of the art interface and cloud technologies.
  • Knowledge of procurement processes in manufacturing companies is highly appreciated.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level English language skills round off your profile.

In Information Technology we take care on digitalization of Innomotics processes. Before we write even a single line of code or customize the standard software product, we have to understand what drives our business. Only then we implement things on the technical side – trying, testing, and improving outcomes until a final solution emerges. We enjoy the freedom to think in completely new categories and to organize our own work. For us, knowledge means exchange – discussions with colleagues from all over the world. We feed our ideas into many sectors of the economy, thus creating the basis for innovative technical solutions. Join our team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career. This position is intended for all candidates with knowledge of the MD-module and PP-module who want to further develop within these areas.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Exclusively to the internal customer – Innomotics.
  • Programming within the MD module with an overlap into the PP.
  • Programming in SAP ABAP environment and in BTP platform.
  • Material Master Data:
  • - understanding the structure and components of the Material Master data in SAP is fundamental. This includes knowledge of material types, views, and organizational levels. Familiarity with fields such as material description, unit of measure, valuation class, and storage location is necessary.
  • Variant Configuration:
  • - sales and distribution (SD) module processes related to variant configuration,
  • - product modeling: characteristics, classes, and dependencies,
  • - variant configuration profiles and configuration procedures,
  • - integration with Material Master data,
  • - business processes such as sales order configuration, production planning, and order fulfillment.
  • PDR (Product Development and Realization)
  • - functionality which allows Variant Configurator users to move entire VC models from one system to another ...
  • ALE (Application Link Enabling):
  • - technology used in SAP to transfer master and transactional data between different Logical Systems.
  • Exclusively to the internal customer – Innomotics.

What you can look forward to:

  • Active participation in migration from SAP ECC to S4/HANA.
  • An international team of programmers and experts.
  • Varied work and interesting projects, cooperation with top experts and their mentoring.
  • Digitization and automation of production plant processes Innomotics.
  • Participation in the development and administration of the company's central SAP systems of Innomotics.
  • Work-life balance (flexible working hours and possibility of home office).
  • Work in a friendly, open and informal team
  • Emuneration independent of utilization, but on realistic internal goals.
  • Development with an emphasis on quality and reliability.
  • Possibility of using and developing foreign languages within a multinational company.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have long-term experience in SAP MD and SAP PP, preferably already in S/4 Hana in cloud.
  • We welcome advanced knowledge in modern SW development approaches, state of the art interface and cloud technologies.
  • Knowledge of procurement processes in manufacturing companies is highly appreciated.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level English language skills round off your profile.

In Information Technology we take care on digitalization of Innomotics processes. Before we write even a single line of code or customize the standard software product, we have to understand what drives our business. Only then we implement things on the technical side – trying, testing, and improving outcomes until a final solution emerges. We enjoy the freedom to think in completely new categories and to organize our own work. For us, knowledge means exchange – discussions with colleagues from all over the world. We feed our ideas into many sectors of the economy, thus creating the basis for innovative technical solutions. Join our team, and we will offer the necessary support to give you responsibility and enable you to have an international career. This position is intended for all candidates with knowledge of the MD-module and PP-module who want to further develop within these areas.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Exclusively to the internal customer – Innomotics.
  • Programming within the MD module with an overlap into the PP.
  • Programming in SAP ABAP environment and in BTP platform.
  • Material Master Data:
  • - understanding the structure and components of the Material Master data in SAP is fundamental. This includes knowledge of material types, views, and organizational levels. Familiarity with fields such as material description, unit of measure, valuation class, and storage location is necessary.
  • Variant Configuration:
  • - sales and distribution (SD) module processes related to variant configuration,
  • - product modeling: characteristics, classes, and dependencies,
  • - variant configuration profiles and configuration procedures,
  • - integration with Material Master data,
  • - business processes such as sales order configuration, production planning, and order fulfillment.
  • PDR (Product Development and Realization)
  • - functionality which allows Variant Configurator users to move entire VC models from one system to another ...
  • ALE (Application Link Enabling):
  • - technology used in SAP to transfer master and transactional data between different Logical Systems.
  • Exclusively to the internal customer – Innomotics.

What you can look forward to:

  • Active participation in migration from SAP ECC to S4/HANA.
  • An international team of programmers and experts.
  • Varied work and interesting projects, cooperation with top experts and their mentoring.
  • Digitization and automation of production plant processes Innomotics.
  • Participation in the development and administration of the company's central SAP systems of Innomotics.
  • Work-life balance (flexible working hours and possibility of home office).
  • Work in a friendly, open and informal team
  • Emuneration independent of utilization, but on realistic internal goals.
  • Development with an emphasis on quality and reliability.
  • Possibility of using and developing foreign languages within a multinational company.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings: 5 weeks holiday, e-voucher card - for meal vouchers, cafeteria Benefit Plus, discounted offers and more.
  • Possible place of work: Drásov, Frenštát, Mohelnice.

Your profile:

  • You successfully completed your degree in Computer science, mechanical- or electrical engineering or comparable education.
  • You have long-term experience in SAP MD and SAP PP, preferably already in S/4 Hana in cloud.
  • We welcome advanced knowledge in modern SW development approaches, state of the art interface and cloud technologies.
  • Knowledge of procurement processes in manufacturing companies is highly appreciated.
  • You are characterized by your communication techniques. You are used to working in international teams and convince us with your intercultural openness.
  • High level English language skills round off your profile.

Are you familiar with Czech tax and accounting principles, speak excellent English and want to grow professionally? Join us as a Senior Tax Manager and become part of a global team of tax experts!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Ensures implementation of local taxation guidelines, policies and processes, and defines local taxation optimization measure.
  • Analyzes respective local law regulations to match all legal requirements.
  • Maintains ongoing contact with management boards of local operating units, and stakeholder of the respective functional area and with local authorities and consultants.
  • Supports timely and tax-optimized preparation of financial statements, in cooperation with Accounting Management, and ensures timely tax payments.
  • Participates in all major decisions and initiatives in the country; reviews business decisions with respect to taxation impact.
  • Liaises with other departments within the organization and provides consulting for other organizational units within the area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Dynamic environment and collaboration with leading experts.
  • Opportunities for professional development.
  • Daily use of the English language.
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself.
  • Various discounts and offers.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Home office 2 days per week.
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings – annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card.
  • Possible place of work: Praha, Mohelnice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Drásov, Brno.

Your profile:

  • About 2 years of experience from in-house tax function or tax advisory firm.
  • Broad knowledge of Czech taxes and accounting principles.
  • General knowledge of international tax principles.
  • English language at communication level.
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office.
  • Ability to work independently, ownership approach.
  • Good leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, also on international level.
  • Willingness to learn.

Are you familiar with Czech tax and accounting principles, speak excellent English and want to grow professionally? Join us as a Senior Tax Manager and become part of a global team of tax experts!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Ensures implementation of local taxation guidelines, policies and processes, and defines local taxation optimization measure.
  • Analyzes respective local law regulations to match all legal requirements.
  • Maintains ongoing contact with management boards of local operating units, and stakeholder of the respective functional area and with local authorities and consultants.
  • Supports timely and tax-optimized preparation of financial statements, in cooperation with Accounting Management, and ensures timely tax payments.
  • Participates in all major decisions and initiatives in the country; reviews business decisions with respect to taxation impact.
  • Liaises with other departments within the organization and provides consulting for other organizational units within the area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Dynamic environment and collaboration with leading experts.
  • Opportunities for professional development.
  • Daily use of the English language.
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself.
  • Various discounts and offers.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Home office 2 days per week.
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings – annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card.
  • Possible place of work: Praha, Mohelnice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Drásov, Brno.

Your profile:

  • About 2 years of experience from in-house tax function or tax advisory firm.
  • Broad knowledge of Czech taxes and accounting principles.
  • General knowledge of international tax principles.
  • English language at communication level.
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office.
  • Ability to work independently, ownership approach.
  • Good leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, also on international level.
  • Willingness to learn.

Are you familiar with Czech tax and accounting principles, speak excellent English and want to grow professionally? Join us as a Senior Tax Manager and become part of a global team of tax experts!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Ensures implementation of local taxation guidelines, policies and processes, and defines local taxation optimization measure.
  • Analyzes respective local law regulations to match all legal requirements.
  • Maintains ongoing contact with management boards of local operating units, and stakeholder of the respective functional area and with local authorities and consultants.
  • Supports timely and tax-optimized preparation of financial statements, in cooperation with Accounting Management, and ensures timely tax payments.
  • Participates in all major decisions and initiatives in the country; reviews business decisions with respect to taxation impact.
  • Liaises with other departments within the organization and provides consulting for other organizational units within the area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Dynamic environment and collaboration with leading experts.
  • Opportunities for professional development.
  • Daily use of the English language.
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself.
  • Various discounts and offers.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Home office 2 days per week.
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings – annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card.
  • Possible place of work: Praha, Mohelnice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Drásov, Brno.

Your profile:

  • About 2 years of experience from in-house tax function or tax advisory firm.
  • Broad knowledge of Czech taxes and accounting principles.
  • General knowledge of international tax principles.
  • English language at communication level.
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office.
  • Ability to work independently, ownership approach.
  • Good leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, also on international level.
  • Willingness to learn.

Are you familiar with Czech tax and accounting principles, speak excellent English and want to grow professionally? Join us as a Senior Tax Manager and become part of a global team of tax experts!

Your future responsibilities:

  • Ensures implementation of local taxation guidelines, policies and processes, and defines local taxation optimization measure.
  • Analyzes respective local law regulations to match all legal requirements.
  • Maintains ongoing contact with management boards of local operating units, and stakeholder of the respective functional area and with local authorities and consultants.
  • Supports timely and tax-optimized preparation of financial statements, in cooperation with Accounting Management, and ensures timely tax payments.
  • Participates in all major decisions and initiatives in the country; reviews business decisions with respect to taxation impact.
  • Liaises with other departments within the organization and provides consulting for other organizational units within the area of responsibility.

What you can look forward to:

  • Dynamic environment and collaboration with leading experts.
  • Opportunities for professional development.
  • Daily use of the English language.
  • 25 leave days and a variety of flexible working models that allow time off for yourself.
  • Various discounts and offers.
  • Competitive salary.
  • Annual bonus.
  • Home office 2 days per week.
  • E-voucher card - for meal vouchers.
  • Broad range of wellbeing offerings – annual cafeteria „Benefit Plus“ budget with any use on the benefit-plus website (e.g. language course, cultural and sporting events, cinema etc.), MultiSport card.
  • Possible place of work: Praha, Mohelnice, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Drásov, Brno.

Your profile:

  • About 2 years of experience from in-house tax function or tax advisory firm.
  • Broad knowledge of Czech taxes and accounting principles.
  • General knowledge of international tax principles.
  • English language at communication level.
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office.
  • Ability to work independently, ownership approach.
  • Good leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills, also on international level.
  • Willingness to learn.

Jsme celosvětový technický a obchodní tým zaměřený na prodej a servis pohonů (motory, frekvenční měniče, synchronní generátory a veškeré možné příslušenství). Náplní naší činnosti je prodej, technická podpora a servis pohonů pro zákazníky ve všech regionech světa. Našimi zákazníky jsou především koncoví uživatelé jako jsou elektrárny, teplárny, chemičky, doly, železárny, ale také OEM výrobci lodí, ropných plošin, čerpadel, ventilátorů, kompresorů a další. Naším úkolem/posláním je neustále posilovat pozici lídra trhu v oblasti dodávek a služeb pohonů a zajišťovat našim zákazníkům dostupnost produktů a služeb vyvíjených a vyráběných nejlepšími světovými technologiemi pro naše zákazníky. Přidejte se k nám a staňte se naším servisním expertem pro frekvenční měniče!

Budete se věnovat především:

  • uvádění pohonných systémů do provozu po celém světě a budete úzce spolupracovat v celosvětové síti odborníků a vývojářů
  • budete zodpovědní za testování a uvádění do provozu řešení pohonů sestávajících z frekvenčních měničů, řídicích systémů, motorů a pomocného řízení pro průmyslové aplikace v oblasti technologie velkých pohonů
  • po intenzivním zaškolení postupně převezmete větší zodpovědnost za uvádění sofistikovaných pohonů do provozu
  • kromě toho budete společně s vývojovými odděleními analyzovat a řešit specifické problémy společnosti, kontrolovat rozhraní / sítě k procesním a partnerským systémům
  • součástí vaší práce bude revize systémové dokumentace a také reporting včetně zpětné vazby pro inženýrské a vývojové oddělení
  • budete také konstruktivně pracovat při technické a ekonomické optimalizaci řešení a procesů

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • roční intenzivní zaškolení v Německu
  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • flexibilní pracovní dobu
  • roční rozpočet do cafeterie do programu Benefit Plus
  • e-stravenky
  • možnost občasné práce z domova
  • zvýhodněné nabídky pro zaměstnance

Měl/a byste mít:

  • ukončené bakalářské nebo magisterské studium elektrotechniky, nejlépe se zaměřením na výkonovou elektroniku nebo techniku pohonů, případně středoškolské vzdělání s maturitou
  • počáteční znalosti o technologii pohonů a měničů výkonu (vysoko/nízkonapěťové měniče) - velkou výhodou
  • základní znalosti z řídicí techniky, výkonové elektroniky a elektrických strojů
  • orientaci na výsledek a zákazníka, komunikační dovednosti, asertivitu
  • velmi dobrou znalost angličtiny (němčina velkou výhodou)
  • ochota cestovat a pracovat po celém světě

Jsme celosvětový technický a obchodní tým zaměřený na prodej a servis pohonů (motory, frekvenční měniče, synchronní generátory a veškeré možné příslušenství). Náplní naší činnosti je prodej, technická podpora a servis pohonů pro zákazníky ve všech regionech světa. Našimi zákazníky jsou především koncoví uživatelé jako jsou elektrárny, teplárny, chemičky, doly, železárny, ale také OEM výrobci lodí, ropných plošin, čerpadel, ventilátorů, kompresorů a další. Naším úkolem/posláním je neustále posilovat pozici lídra trhu v oblasti dodávek a služeb pohonů a zajišťovat našim zákazníkům dostupnost produktů a služeb vyvíjených a vyráběných nejlepšími světovými technologiemi pro naše zákazníky.Přidejte se k nám a staňte se naším servisním expertem pro frekvenční měniče!

Budete se věnovat především:

  • uvádění pohonných systémů do provozu po celém světě a budete úzce spolupracovat v celosvětové síti odborníků a vývojářů
  • budete zodpovědní za testování a uvádění do provozu řešení pohonů sestávajících z frekvenčních měničů, řídicích systémů, motorů a pomocného řízení pro průmyslové aplikace v oblasti technologie velkých pohonů
  • po intenzivním zaškolení postupně převezmete větší zodpovědnost za uvádění sofistikovaných pohonů do provozu
  • kromě toho budete společně s vývojovými odděleními analyzovat a řešit specifické problémy společnosti, kontrolovat rozhraní / sítě k procesním a partnerským systémům
  • součástí vaší práce bude revize systémové dokumentace a také reporting včetně zpětné vazby pro inženýrské a vývojové oddělení
  • budete také konstruktivně pracovat při technické a ekonomické optimalizaci řešení a procesů

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • roční intenzivní zaškolení v Německu
  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • flexibilní pracovní dobu
  • roční rozpočet do cafeterie do programu Benefit Plus
  • e-stravenky
  • možnost občasné práce z domova
  • zvýhodněné nabídky pro zaměstnance

Měl/a byste mít:

  • ukončené bakalářské nebo magisterské studium elektrotechniky, nejlépe se zaměřením na výkonovou elektroniku nebo techniku pohonů, případně středoškolské vzdělání s maturitou
  • počáteční znalosti o technologii pohonů a měničů výkonu (vysoko/nízkonapěťové měniče) - velkou výhodou
  • základní znalosti z řídicí techniky, výkonové elektroniky a elektrických strojů
  • orientaci na výsledek a zákazníka, komunikační dovednosti, asertivitu
  • velmi dobrou znalost angličtiny (němčina velkou výhodou)
  • ochota cestovat a pracovat po celém světě

Jsme celosvětový technický a obchodní tým zaměřený na prodej a servis pohonů (motory, frekvenční měniče, synchronní generátory a veškeré možné příslušenství). Náplní naší činnosti je prodej, technická podpora a servis pohonů pro zákazníky ve všech regionech světa. Našimi zákazníky jsou především koncoví uživatelé jako jsou elektrárny, teplárny, chemičky, doly, železárny, ale také OEM výrobci lodí, ropných plošin, čerpadel, ventilátorů, kompresorů a další. Naším úkolem/posláním je neustále posilovat pozici lídra trhu v oblasti dodávek a služeb pohonů a zajišťovat našim zákazníkům dostupnost produktů a služeb vyvíjených a vyráběných nejlepšími světovými technologiemi pro naše zákazníky.Přidejte se k nám a staňte se naším servisním expertem pro frekvenční měniče!

Budete se věnovat především:

  • uvádění pohonných systémů do provozu po celém světě a budete úzce spolupracovat v celosvětové síti odborníků a vývojářů
  • budete zodpovědní za testování a uvádění do provozu řešení pohonů sestávajících z frekvenčních měničů, řídicích systémů, motorů a pomocného řízení pro průmyslové aplikace v oblasti technologie velkých pohonů
  • po intenzivním zaškolení postupně převezmete větší zodpovědnost za uvádění sofistikovaných pohonů do provozu
  • kromě toho budete společně s vývojovými odděleními analyzovat a řešit specifické problémy společnosti, kontrolovat rozhraní / sítě k procesním a partnerským systémům
  • součástí vaší práce bude revize systémové dokumentace a také reporting včetně zpětné vazby pro inženýrské a vývojové oddělení
  • budete také konstruktivně pracovat při technické a ekonomické optimalizaci řešení a procesů

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • roční intenzivní zaškolení v Německu
  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • flexibilní pracovní dobu
  • roční rozpočet do cafeterie do programu Benefit Plus
  • e-stravenky
  • možnost občasné práce z domova
  • zvýhodněné nabídky pro zaměstnance

Měl/a byste mít:

  • ukončené bakalářské nebo magisterské studium elektrotechniky, nejlépe se zaměřením na výkonovou elektroniku nebo techniku pohonů, případně středoškolské vzdělání s maturitou
  • počáteční znalosti o technologii pohonů a měničů výkonu (vysoko/nízkonapěťové měniče) - velkou výhodou
  • základní znalosti z řídicí techniky, výkonové elektroniky a elektrických strojů
  • orientaci na výsledek a zákazníka, komunikační dovednosti, asertivitu
  • velmi dobrou znalost angličtiny (němčina velkou výhodou)
  • ochota cestovat a pracovat po celém světě

Your change engine. Motors and drives are our business, redefining reliable motion from check-time per day to uptime per lifecycle, from simply on/off to everything smart in between. Our most powerful engine: more than 15,000 dedicated experts, doers, colleagues. For them, engineering the future means keeping businesses in motion – in e-motion. We are the “we” in power – and we can empower you. 15,000 and counting. Are you looking for the stability of an established global player with the lean, innovative spirit of a mid-size hidden champion? That’s us! Are you looking to shape entire industries with a future-proof portfolio of more sustainable, energy efficient solutions? Deal, let’s go! Do you want to shape the future of Innomotics with us? We are looking for a self-starter with a digital, innovative and growth mindset who is ready to actively drive and shape our future company’s culture. We offer an environment full of opportunities to take on responsibility and to develop both personally and professionally. We value the diversity of our people because we know that innovation thrives when it is fueled by a variety of perspectives, skills, backgrounds and experiences. For us, nobody is perfect, but a team can be. #TeamInnomotics. About the team We are team of supplier quality experts. Our goal is to ensure continuous quality of steel suppliers for Siemens Dynamowerk in Berlin. Dynamowerk is a unique developer and manufacturer of special electrical motors up to 100 MW/680 tons. Our base is in Brno Czech Republic. We take pride in our international activity. The main commodities of our focus are electrical components of motors / generators (stator, rotor, insulation parts, coils etc.) Join us and become a member of our Supplier Quality Engineers team.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Main responsibility: Final inspection on electrical parts, major components of an electrical machine, like rotor, exciter rotor, stator and coils. Further the product related documentation needs to be checked, too.
  • Final inspection on electrical parts, major components of an electricl machine, like rotor, exciter rotors, stators and coils.
  • Ensuring and continuously improving supplier quality through qualification and development.
  • Supporting cross-functional cooperation between Procurement, Quality, Logistics, and Engineering.
  • Proactively supporting of the commodity network and supplier evaluation.
  • Facilitating supplier audits on site, investigating, analyzing and correcting quality discrepancies.
  • Ensuring compliance with processes and target.

What you can look forward to:

  • A truly international experience with a lot of time spent travelling and a challenging and perspective opportunity.
  • Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Strenght and stability of Siemens company.
  • Flexi-time working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Attractive financial package.
  • Wide range of benefits (5 weeks holiday, meal allowances, Cafeteria system up to 15.000 CZK yearly, pension insurance contribution 1.400 CZK/month, equity program, corporate holiday resort in Vysočina)…

Your profile:

  • University/ high school degree in electrical or mechanical engineering.
  • Experience in manufacture processes of big electrical machines or components.
  • Knowledge of insulation materials for High Voltage machines (advantage).
  • Supplier audits according to ISO19011 preferable.
  • Fluent English is a must, German or other languages are a plus.
  • Experience and knowledge on welding is an adavantange.
  • Driver license - active driver. í
  • Willingness to travel (up to 80%).
  • You are a dedicated team player with strong communication and analytical skills interfacing with internal and external partners.

Your change engine. Motors and drives are our business, redefining reliable motion from check-time per day to uptime per lifecycle, from simply on/off to everything smart in between. Our most powerful engine: more than 15,000 dedicated experts, doers, colleagues. For them, engineering the future means keeping businesses in motion – in e-motion. We are the “we” in power – and we can empower you. 15,000 and counting. Are you looking for the stability of an established global player with the lean, innovative spirit of a mid-size hidden champion? That’s us! Are you looking to shape entire industries with a future-proof portfolio of more sustainable, energy efficient solutions? Deal, let’s go! Do you want to shape the future of Innomotics with us? We are looking for a self-starter with a digital, innovative and growth mindset who is ready to actively drive and shape our future company’s culture. We offer an environment full of opportunities to take on responsibility and to develop both personally and professionally. We value the diversity of our people because we know that innovation thrives when it is fueled by a variety of perspectives, skills, backgrounds and experiences. For us, nobody is perfect, but a team can be. #TeamInnomotics. About the team We are team of supplier quality experts. Our goal is to ensure continuous quality of steel suppliers for Siemens Dynamowerk in Berlin. Dynamowerk is a unique developer and manufacturer of special electrical motors up to 100 MW/680 tons. Our base is in Brno Czech Republic. We take pride in our international activity. The main commodities of our focus are electrical components of motors / generators (stator, rotor, insulation parts, coils etc.) Join us and become a member of our Supplier Quality Engineers team.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Main responsibility: Final inspection on electrical parts, major components of an electrical machine, like rotor, exciter rotor, stator and coils. Further the product related documentation needs to be checked, too.
  • Final inspection on electrical parts, major components of an electricl machine, like rotor, exciter rotors, stators and coils.
  • Ensuring and continuously improving supplier quality through qualification and development.
  • Supporting cross-functional cooperation between Procurement, Quality, Logistics, and Engineering.
  • Proactively supporting of the commodity network and supplier evaluation.
  • Facilitating supplier audits on site, investigating, analyzing and correcting quality discrepancies.
  • Ensuring compliance with processes and target.

What you can look forward to:

  • A truly international experience with a lot of time spent travelling and a challenging and perspective opportunity.
  • Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Strenght and stability of Siemens company.
  • Flexi-time working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Attractive financial package.
  • Wide range of benefits (5 weeks holiday, meal allowances, Cafeteria system up to 15.000 CZK yearly, pension insurance contribution 1.400 CZK/month, equity program, corporate holiday resort in Vysočina)…

Your profile:

  • University/ high school degree in electrical or mechanical engineering.
  • Experience in manufacture processes of big electrical machines or components.
  • Knowledge of insulation materials for High Voltage machines (advantage).
  • Supplier audits according to ISO19011 preferable.
  • Fluent English is a must, German or other languages are a plus.
  • Experience and knowledge on welding is an adavantange.
  • Driver license - active driver. í
  • Willingness to travel (up to 80%).
  • You are a dedicated team player with strong communication and analytical skills interfacing with internal and external partners.

Your change engine. Motors and drives are our business, redefining reliable motion from check-time per day to uptime per lifecycle, from simply on/off to everything smart in between. Our most powerful engine: more than 15,000 dedicated experts, doers, colleagues. For them, engineering the future means keeping businesses in motion – in e-motion. We are the “we” in power – and we can empower you. 15,000 and counting. Are you looking for the stability of an established global player with the lean, innovative spirit of a mid-size hidden champion? That’s us! Are you looking to shape entire industries with a future-proof portfolio of more sustainable, energy efficient solutions? Deal, let’s go! Do you want to shape the future of Innomotics with us? We are looking for a self-starter with a digital, innovative and growth mindset who is ready to actively drive and shape our future company’s culture. We offer an environment full of opportunities to take on responsibility and to develop both personally and professionally. We value the diversity of our people because we know that innovation thrives when it is fueled by a variety of perspectives, skills, backgrounds and experiences. For us, nobody is perfect, but a team can be. #TeamInnomotics. About the team We are team of supplier quality experts. Our goal is to ensure continuous quality of steel suppliers for Siemens Dynamowerk in Berlin. Dynamowerk is a unique developer and manufacturer of special electrical motors up to 100 MW/680 tons. Our base is in Brno Czech Republic. We take pride in our international activity. The main commodities of our focus are electrical components of motors / generators (stator, rotor, insulation parts, coils etc.) Join us and become a member of our Supplier Quality Engineers team.

Your future responsibilities:

  • Main responsibility: Final inspection on electrical parts, major components of an electrical machine, like rotor, exciter rotor, stator and coils. Further the product related documentation needs to be checked, too.
  • Final inspection on electrical parts, major components of an electricl machine, like rotor, exciter rotors, stators and coils.
  • Ensuring and continuously improving supplier quality through qualification and development.
  • Supporting cross-functional cooperation between Procurement, Quality, Logistics, and Engineering.
  • Proactively supporting of the commodity network and supplier evaluation.
  • Facilitating supplier audits on site, investigating, analyzing and correcting quality discrepancies.
  • Ensuring compliance with processes and target.

What you can look forward to:

  • A truly international experience with a lot of time spent travelling and a challenging and perspective opportunity.
  • Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Strenght and stability of Siemens company.
  • Flexi-time working hours and possibility of home office.
  • Attractive financial package.
  • Wide range of benefits (5 weeks holiday, meal allowances, Cafeteria system up to 15.000 CZK yearly, pension insurance contribution 1.400 CZK/month, equity program, corporate holiday resort in Vysočina)…

Your profile:

  • University/ high school degree in electrical or mechanical engineering.
  • Experience in manufacture processes of big electrical machines or components.
  • Knowledge of insulation materials for High Voltage machines (advantage).
  • Supplier audits according to ISO19011 preferable.
  • Fluent English is a must, German or other languages are a plus.
  • Experience and knowledge on welding is an adavantange.
  • Driver license - active driver. í
  • Willingness to travel (up to 80%).
  • You are a dedicated team player with strong communication and analytical skills interfacing with internal and external partners.

výrobní procesy.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • zajišťování dosažení cílů projektů v dohodnuté kvalitě, v rámci dohodnutých rozpočtů a časových plánů
  • zajišťování souladu s celkovým interním rámcem (EHS, PM @Innomotics atd.) a příslušnými místními zákony/předpisy
  • provádění plánování, rozpočtování, kontrole a reportingu ve všech fázích přiděleného projektu
  • připravovat zdroje projektu a provádět kalkulace projektu, nákladů a přínosů
  • budete definovat přiměřená opatření údržby splňující požadavky zákazníků, přičemž budete brát v úvahu nákladovou efektivitu, shodu s místními předpisy a aspekty udržitelnosti
  • budete rozhodovat o zapojení externích zdrojů, koordinovat, kontrolovat a vyhodnocovat poskytování služeb a prací
  • monitoringu dosažených milníků projektů a dodržování rozpočtu a podávání zpráv odpovědnému vedení
  • budete působit jako rozhraní pro zákazníky a koordinovat interní zainteresované strany i externí odborníky a dodavatele
  • vedení a/nebo koordinaci specializovaných odborníků a zaměstnanců
  • práci v AutoCADu

Další benefity:

  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • možnost home office
  • pružnou pracovní dobu
  • e-stravenky
  • roční příspěvek do cafetérie (Benefit Plus)
  • zvýhodněné nabídky pro zaměstnance
  • společenské a kulturní akce
  • místo výkonu práce: Mohelnice

Měl/a byste mít:

  • VŠ vzdělání v oboru stavebnictví nebo SŠ s delší praxí v oboru
  • znalosti v oblasti BOZP, EHS a stavebního zákona
  • znalost práce v AutoCAD
  • AJ na komunikativní úrovni
  • orientaci ve stavebních rozpočtech
  • znalost MS Office
  • znalost SAP výhodou
  • ŘP sk. „B“
  • zkušenost z obdobné pozice velkou výhodou

Zkušebna má na starosti konečné zkoušky hotových výrobků a mezi výrobní testy. Vaší rolí bude vést a řídit tuto zkušebnu. Budete pracovat v Drásově a občas spolupracovat s kolegy z Norimberka, Berlína a Norwoodu v USA. Budete přímo podléhat vedoucímu finální výroby a vaší hlavní úlohou bude vést a optimalizovat tento úsek v souladu s definovanými standardy, procesy, úkoly závodu a technologickými požadavky. Měli byste také řídit a rozvíjet tým složený ze 7 modrých a 5 bílých límců. Vaše odpovědnost zahrnuje také řízení a plánování týmových aktivit zaměřených na neustálý rozvoj a zvýšení kapacity. Budete pracovat s kolegy, kteří mají dlouholeté zkušenosti a hluboké znalosti v oblasti produktu a oddělení.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Vedení týmu zkušených pracovníků zkušebny točivých strojů VN a NN.
  • Plynulá komunikace v angličtině nebo němčině se zákazníky a ostatními odděleními v zahraničí.
  • Vedení komplexních projektů.
  • Převádění KPI závodu na podřízené.

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • Zaměstnání ve stabilní firmě, která propojuje teorii s praxí.
  • Jedinečný produkt, který se využívá např. na ropných plošinách či na největších dopravních lodích světa.
  • Možnosti zahraničních pracovních cest či jiné mezinárodní spolupráce.

Další benefity:

  • 5 týdnů dovolené.
  • 1400,- Kč měsíční příspěvek zaměstnavatele na penzijní/životní připojištění.
  • Pracovní doba 7,5 hodiny.
  • Flexibilní pracovní doba s možností homeoffice (pevné jádro 9-15).
  • 15000,- ročně na zdraví a volnočasové aktivity (Benefit plus).
  • Program slev pro zaměstnance (O2, T-mobile, Opel, KFC,…).
  • Firemní jazykové vzdělávání.
  • Multisport kartu.
  • Závodní stravování (v případě homeoffice stravenka).

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Zkušenost na manažerské pozici.
  • Používání LEAN (hlavně definování plýtvání, VSM) i 6sigma nástrojů (DMAIC, R&R, atd).
  • Znalost AJ na úrovni C1, čeština C2, němčina výhodou.
  • Řidičský průkaz sk. B.
  • Schopnost motivovat a inspirovat.
  • Odolnost vůči stresu.
  • Taktické a strategické myšlení.

Dělnické pozice

V Innomotics víme, že svět nezměníte sezením na židli. Inovace máme ve jméně. Neseme si s sebou dědictví společnosti Siemens s více než 150 lety inženýrských zkušeností. Dnes měníme definici spolehlivého výkonu od standardních produktů k elektromotorům nejvyšší účinnosti; od jednoduchého zapnuto vypnuto, po vše chytré mezi tím. Náš nejvýkonnější motor? 15 000 expertů, kolegyň a kolegů, kteří s námi otáčejí světem. Přidáte se?

Budete se věnovat především:

  • manipulaci a expedici elektromotorů
  • kontrole kvality elektromotorů
  • balení elektromotorů dle předpisu
  • práci se systémem PAP
  • další práci dle pokynů mistra

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • přátelský kolektiv a podporu v začátcích
  • využití vašich profesních schopností v dlouhodobé perspektivě
  • příležitost vhodnou i pro čerstvé absolventy

Další benefity:

  • práci na hlavní pracovní poměr (37,5 hodiny týdně)
  • štědré zaměstnanecké výhody (5 týdnů dovolené, roční příspěvek v rámci nabídky Benefit Plus, příspěvek na stravování, odměny při životním a pracovním jubileu, MultiSport kartu a mnohé další)
  • nástup ihned nebo dle dohody

Měl/a byste mít:

  • manuální zručnost, pečlivost
  • ochotu učit se a spolupracovat
  • flexibilitu
  • ochotu pracovat v třísměnném provozu
  • SŠ technického zaměření a praxe ve výrobní společnosti výhodou

V Innomotics víme, že svět nezměníte sezením na židli. Inovace máme ve jméně. Neseme si s sebou dědictví společnosti Siemens s více než 150 lety inženýrských zkušeností. Dnes měníme definici spolehlivého výkonu - od standardních produktů k elektromotorům nejvyšší účinnosti; od jednoduchého zapnuto / vypnuto, po vše chytré mezi tím. Náš nejvýkonnější motor? 15 000 expertů, kolegyň a kolegů, kteří s námi otáčejí světem. Přidáte se?

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Obsluha a seřízení CNC strojů
  • Samokontrola vyrobených dílů
  • Transport materiálu
  • Práce s počítačem
  • Práce s výkresovou dokumentací

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • Přátelský kolektiv a podporu v začátcích
  • Využití Vašich profesních schopností v dlouhodobé perspektivě
  • Příležitost vhodnou i pro čerstvé absolventy

Další benefity:

  • Práce na hlavní pracovní poměr (37,5 hodin týdně)
  • Platové ohodnocení ve vyšších tarifních třídách
  • Štědré zaměstnanecké výhody (5 týdnů dovolené, roční příspěvek v rámci nabídky Benefit Plus, příspěvek na stravování, odměny při životním a pracovním jubileu, MultiSport karta a mnohé další)
  • Nástup ihned dle dohody

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Vzdělání v oboru a/nebo praxi s obráběním či seřizováním výrobních strojů
  • Znalost výkresové dokumentace a měření
  • Ochotu učit se a spolupracovat
  • Flexibilitu
  • Ochotu pracovat v třísměnném provozu
  • Znalost práce na PC
  • Znalost programovacího jazyka SINUMERIK výhodou

Do našeho týmu na montáž hledáme novou posilu na pozici Elektromechanik.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • montáži a svorkování elektromotorů

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • zajímavé finanční ohodnocení
  • práci na plný úvazek (do kmenového stavu)
  • práci ve stabilní společnosti, která je špičkou v oboru
  • místo výkonu práce Frenštát p. R.
  • práci ve třísměnném provoze
  • roční příspěvek 25.000 Kč do programu Benefit plus
  • odměny při životním a pracovním jubileu až do výše 40.000 Kč
  • zvýhodněné nabídky pro zaměstnance Siemens
  • závodní jídelna v areálu firmy
  • dobrovolnický den, společenské a kulturní akce
  • 5 týdnů dovolené

Měl/a byste mít:

  • minimálně výuční list v oboru strojním nebo elektro podmínkou
  • praxe v oboru výhodou
  • zodpovědný přístup k práci

Do navijárny nyní hledáme nové posily na pozici Elektromechanik.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • výrobě elektromotorů na navijárně
  • ručnímu vkládání a zapojování vinutí elektromotorů
  • dalším manuálním činnostem v moderně zařízeném bezpečném a čistém prostředí
  • týmové práci v sehraném kolektivu

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • práci na plný úvazek (do kmenového stavu)
  • práci ve stabilní společnosti, která je špičkou v oboru
  • místo výkonu práce Frenštát p. R.
  • práci ve třísměnném provoze
  • roční příspěvek 25.000 Kč do programu Benefit plus
  • odměny při životním a pracovním jubileu až do výše 40.000 Kč
  • zvýhodněné nabídky pro zaměstnance
  • závodní jídelna v areálu firmy
  • dobrovolnický den, společenské a kulturní akce
  • 5 týdnů dovolené

Měl/a byste mít:

  • vyučen v oboru elektromechanik, zámečník výhodou
  • zodpovědný přístup k práci
  • manuální zručnost

My jsme tým finální výroby a hledáme nové kolegy na pozici lakýrníka. Naší prací je zkompletovat námi vyráběné elektrické stroje (motory a generátory) před předáním zákazníkovi.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • lakování dílců a kompletních elektrických strojů točivých o hmotnosti 5 - 50 tun
  • další práce dle pokynů mistra.

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • sílu a stabilní zázemí společnosti Innomotics, smlouvu do kmenového stavu na dobu určitou 1 rok s možností prodloužení na dobu neurčitou
  • čisté, klimatizované a bezpečné pracoviště uvnitř moderního závodu

Další benefity:

  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • 1 400,- Kč měsíční příspěvek zaměstnavatele na penzijní připojištění
  • 15 000,- ročně na zdraví a volnočasové aktivity (Benefit plus)
  • firemní rekreační středisko na Vysočině
  • příplatek za přítomnost ve výši až 1 200,- Kč měsíčně
  • pracovní dobu 7,5 hodiny denně + 30 minut na oběd
  • odměnu za doporučení nového zaměstnance do výroby
  • závodní stravování za zvýhodněnou cenu a jídelnu uvnitř závodu
  • sportovní a kulturní akce
  • program slev a výhod (volání s O2 nebo T-mobile, Opel, Mustisport karta a mnoho dalších).

Měl/a byste mít:

  • časovou flexibilitu, spolehlivost, samostatnost
  • ochotu pracovat ve dvousměnném provozu
  • zkušenosti s lakováním výhodou
  • ochotu učit se novým věcem a přijmout odpovědnost za výsledky své práce
  • zájem o dlouhodobé stabilní zaměstnání
  • český jazyk na komunikativní úrovni (min. B2)

V Innomotics víme, že svět nezměníte sezením na židli. Inovace máme ve jméně. Neseme si s sebou dědictví společnosti Siemens s více než 150 lety inženýrských zkušeností. Dnes měníme definici spolehlivého výkonu - od standardních produktů k elektromotorům nejvyšší účinnosti; od jednoduchého zapnuto / vypnuto, po vše chytré mezi tím. Náš nejvýkonnější motor? 15 000 expertů, kolegyň a kolegů, kteří s námi otáčejí světem. Přidáte se?

Budete se věnovat především:

  • Montáži a demontáži elektromotorů a jednoúčelových zařízení
  • Aktivní spolupráci na vývojových projektech
  • Technickému měření a vyhodnocování parametrů
  • Práci s technickou dokumentací a technologickými postupy

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • Přátelský kolektiv a podporu v začátcích
  • Využití Vašich profesních schopností v dlouhodobé perspektivě
  • Práci v jednosměnném provozu

Další benefity:

  • Práce na hlavní pracovní poměr (37,5 hodin týdně)
  • Štědré zaměstnanecké výhody (5 týdnů dovolené, roční příspěvek v rámci nabídky Benefit Plus, příspěvek na stravování, odměny při životním a pracovním jubileu, MultiSport karta a mnohé další)
  • Nástup ihned dle dohody

Měl/a byste mít:

  • Vzdělání v oboru a/nebo praxi v oblasti montáže a konstrukce strojů a zařízení
  • Znalost výkresové dokumentace a měření
  • Ochotu učit se a spolupracovat
  • Vztah k manuální práci a pečlivost
  • Flexibilitu
  • Znalost práce na PC
  • Znalost anglického jazyka výhodou

Jsme tým navijárny firmy Innomotics v Drásově. Naše firma vyrábí velké elektromotory a generátory na míru zákazníkům z celého světa. V navijárně je převážná část výroby založena na odborné manuální práci. Naším úkolem je vyrábět cívky vodičů a ty následně vkládat do statorových a rotorových svazků. K nám do týmu proto hledáme šikovného a manuálně zručného kolegy, který má chuť a potenciál se vkládání cívek naučit.

Budete se věnovat především:

  • výroba a pájení cívek různých velikostí
  • vkládání, vtahování a zapojování vinutí
  • v prvních měsících zaškolení od zkušeného kolegy

Můžete se těšit zejména na:

  • sílu a stabilní zázemí společnosti Innomotics
  • smlouvu do kmenového stavu na dobu určitou 1 rok s možností prodloužení na dobu neurčitou
  • čisté, klimatizované a bezpečné pracoviště uvnitř moderního závodu

Další benefity:

  • 5 týdnů dovolené
  • 1 400,- Kč měsíční příspěvek zaměstnavatele na penzijní připojištění
  • 15 000,- ročně na zdraví a volnočasové aktivity (Benefit plus)
  • firemní rekreační středisko na Vysočině
  • příplatek za přítomnost ve výši až 1 200,- Kč měsíčně
  • pracovní dobu 7,5 hodiny denně + 30 minut na oběd
  • příplatky za noční směny a přesčasy nad zákonné minimum
  • závodní stravování za zvýhodněnou cenu a jídelnu uvnitř závodu
  • sportovní a kulturní akce
  • program slev a výhod (volání s O2 nebo T-mobile, sleva v KFC, Opel, Mustisport karta a mnoho dalších).

Měl/a byste mít:

  • chuť učit se nové věci
  • manuální zručnost
  • zájem o dlouhodobé zaměstnání
  • vzdělání ani zkušenosti nejsou potřeba, rádi Vás zaučíme.

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